Military exercises rattling nerves around LA

ABC News 7

The military is conducting training exercises, but they have caught many locals by surprise.

When a helicopter flew low in between buildings in downtown Los Angeles, it raised a few alarms.  

“We don’t think it was much higher than the steeple of the church across the street,” said Erica Gallo of Lincoln Heights. “They were low – low enough where you could see inside.”

Gallo and Leslie Ruiz were in nearby Lincoln Heights. They saw the helicopters and say they were loud.

“Four smaller helicopters in the front but the lights are all turned off and there was only red lights in each one of them and then another military helicopter came in – it was much bigger,” Ruiz said.

According to the LAPD it’s all part of a U.S. Army training exercise to teach soldiers skills and how to operate in an urban environment.

The department said residents could hear sounds of aircraft and weapon simulations.

Officials say the local terrain in Los Angeles provides the Army with unique locations and urban environments that service members may encounter when deployed overseas.

Some people feel they should have been warned about this.

“I do think it would be nice to get a heads up you know?” Gallo said. “Nowadays you just never know what’s happening and we’re talking about it – everybody has a fear especially after 9/11 happened. When you see helicopters or airplanes that are flying too low.”

A statement by the LAPD said in part “This training is coordinated with the appropriate state, county, and city officials as well as private property owners. Safety precautions have been implemented to prevent unnecessary risk to both participants and/or area residents and property.”

The training is set to run through Saturday.


4 thoughts on “Military exercises rattling nerves around LA

  1. Rattling nerves is exactly the outcome they are trying for
    When you realize that 90% of their game is fear tactics and lies
    Their game ends up having little to no affect on your plans or agenda

    I’d rather turn the tables and bring the fear to them

    I’d like to think that some days when my feet hit the ground ,the devil says “shit he’s awake again”

  2. Didn’t the gov’t build a huge urban warfare training facility in Maryland, not far from D.C? It is supposed to look very much like Anytown, USA. And its not the only one-just the most extensive one I’ve read about. What happens if one of those military choppers has a mechanical failure and crashes into a movie theater or some other public venue while training in a metroploitan area? The military annually loses men and helicopters, etc. in training accidents due to the very nature of “train like you fight”.

    1. So what is the big whoop when men, women, and children get killed? They are just subjects. I’m sure they would be more concerned about the loss of the helicopter.

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