Miriam Carey’s sisters speak out – ‘My sister just totally didn’t deserve this’

Prognosis II – by Mike Philbin

CNN has just run an editorial about the sisters of Miriam Carey, the woman who caused a LOCKDOWN of DC by driving her car into the barriers of the White House then speeding off in her car. She was later executed in public by Police.

“We are still trying to put the pieces together,” Carey-Jones said.   

Neither she nor her other sister, Valarie Carey, know why Miriam Carey was in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. 

“We will never know what Mariam was thinking in those last hours before she died, and we can only speculate. Our real concern is why (this happened) and were things done properly? Was there some other way she could have been helped so that it didn’t end tragically?” [source CNN]

And the trend to treat every American citizen as a TERRORIST continues:

Authorities have deemed the area safe after they searched the Connecticut home of the suspect in a deadly car chase near the US Capitol in Washington DC on Thursday.

Stamford Police Chief Jonathan Fontneau told reporters “there was no danger” at the home of Miriam Carey, 34, who was shot and killed by police following an attempt to bypass security near the White House and the Capitol.

Ms Casey was said to be unarmed. [source BBC]

like, why should there be DANGER at someone’s home? Weird mind games afoot.


8 thoughts on “Miriam Carey’s sisters speak out – ‘My sister just totally didn’t deserve this’

  1. Couldn’t they have just shot out her tires? This was an unarmed mother and child after all… Couldn’t they have blocked her with their own vehicles? What was the urgency to shoot this woman? What threat was she? Zero. A threat to a barricade? So our “hero” security force kills her in a volley of gunfire splattering her blood on her 1-year old child… How sick and unacceptable. The shooters should be prosecuted for murder.

  2. They could have used no lethal force to subdue her including the front tires. Also there was a ongoing Govt. Test of police in Washington that day another FALSE FLAG EVENT.

    The police should be charged with MURDER and the Senators and Congress should be repremanded as to their grand stand behavior when they applauded the Police

  3. You can expect that anyone who is brutally executed for no logical reason will be branded a “terrorist” as soon as they stop breathing.

    What we have here is another example of how “modern police training” has taught cops to shoot anything that moves, regardless of whether or not it’s a threat to anyone.

    Police today only exist to beat the population into submission, and they have absolutely nothing to do with fighting crime. Anyone who shows any hint of a rebellious disposition will be beaten, tasered, shot, and arrested.

    Make no mistake. That’s what cops do for a living these days. They’re the communists’ hired goon squad, and nothing more.

  4. Anyone else find it extremely odd that this woman’s medical info was released so fast? Supposedly on two medications and suffering from PPD? Maybe to portray her as some crazy nutjob, thereby justifying the murder of an unarmed woman by police?
    Meanwhile, it’s getting close to a year and TPTB refuse to release any medical info about Adam Lanza, like what meds he may have been taking. Also, apparently the police have yet to finish their investigation of the Sandy Hook massacre.
    The subtle mind manipulation by the state run media is astounding to say the least.

  5. tammyc, here’s what we have so far on Sandy Hoax:

    Zero photos of any dead kids. (closed caskets do NOT count for sh#t)

    Zero photos of a dead Adam Lanza (also 0 proof he was even there OR even alive that day)

    Zero photos of one single shot up classroom, hallway, etc.

    Zero video from the brand new $300,000 surveillance system that had recently been installed.

    Zero consistency from ANY of the MSM reports, which changed from day to day.

    In other words, ZERO proof that ANYONE was even killed at Sandy Hoax.

  6. The cops claimed they shot her because she was using her vehicle as a weapon.

    How the hell does THAT compute, since the scumbags shot (murdered/executed) her AFTER the car had crashed and was disabled???

    1. I’m with you on the Sandy Hoax #1. I was just trying to point out the lies state run media puts forth…and how a lot of people believe them. Preaching to the choir I guess.

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