12 thoughts on “Monty Python and the Holy Grail-French Taunt Pt. 1

  1. Eh…I was never much for Monty Python movies. They never seemed that funny too me. But that’s just me. I liked Mel Brooks films better. Spaceballs was the best.

    1. I know what you mean, NC…..British humor takes some getting used to, but unfortunately, I’ve gotten used to it, so I’ll probably watch this again soon.

      But you’re right. American humor is funnier, to Americans. Mel Brooks was the man behind “Get Smart”, which can still make me laugh 40 years after seeing it. I just have to think of the gunfight that broke out while the Chief’s head was stuck in the portable cone of silence and I’m laughing.

      1. Don’t get me wrong. I love British humor. Especially in heist films like “Snatch” and even some Simon Pegg films like “Shaun of the Dead”. I just don’t find Monty Python movies that funny.

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