Mossad while speaking with 60min about the Pagers: “we are a global production company. we write the screenplay. we’re the directors. we’re the producers. we’re the main actors. the world is our stage.” They literally are saying how they control the world by deception!

2 thoughts on “Mossad while speaking with 60min about the Pagers: “we are a global production company. we write the screenplay. we’re the directors. we’re the producers. we’re the main actors. the world is our stage.” They literally are saying how they control the world by deception!

  1. Once in a while the Devil steps out from behind the curtain. Seems to be doing it more and more these days, in various forms. Here he’s trying to remain in the shadows, but the evil drips from his silhouette and his words, even in the darkness. And Stahl, nodding along, playing dumb, reveals herself as a grand accomplice to all the death and all the destruction.

    The Demon speaks: “We create a pretend world. … We write the screenplay. … The world is our stage.”

    Well Demon, guess what?!!

    WE create an authentic world. We write our OWN screenplay. And THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE is our stage.


  2. Good to know Israelis are finally admitting Israel is what Christ told Apostle John in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, that is, the synagogue of Satan. That is, (Ephesians 6:12) the world “wrestles not with flesh, but…wickedness in high places.” And these days, Satan uses Israel, because Talmudic Jewry does Satan’s will while (their evil Talmud claims) Christ “burns in hell for eternity in his own excrement.”

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