National Guard Deployed At Nation’s Food Banks To Ensure Stability During Unprecedented Times

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

There is increasing evidence on social media that the National Guard has been deployed to the nation’s food banks to ensure food supply chain networks are not severed, and shortages do not materialize. 

This comes at a challenging period for the country, one where 26.5 million people have filed for unemployment benefits in five weeks as the economy crashes into depression.

We have documented the unprecedented volume of Americans flooding food banks across the country in the last four weeks as a hunger crisis develops.

Now it appears National Guard troops have been deployed to food banks in many states to make sure logistical pipelines of food to these facilities can continue dishing out care packages to the working poor.

And why would the Pentagon, likely instructed by the Trump administration, deploy military assets to food banks? Because food shortages are already starting to develop as facilities are overwhelmed with hungry people.

The deployment of military assets to these facilities is a reflection of where the government believes the most vulnerable parts of instabilities reside at the moment. Just imagine if some of these places ran out of food, and people in mile-long lines were told to go home empty-handed. That would leave many in an untenable hangry state where social instabilities could be seen.

So, without further ado, here is the military deployed at the nation’s food banks:

See the rest here:

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