Netanyahu to meet Obama on Iran

GTY 164276692_001USA Today – by David Jackson

With Syria’s chemical weapons now the subject of negotiations, attention is shifting back to questions about Iran’s nuclear program.

Officials in Israel say Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Obama in Washington on Sept. 30, with Iran at the top of the agenda.  

“I intend to focus on the question of stopping Iran’s nuclear program, an actual halt to the nuclear program,” Netanyahu said. “And until this is achieved, the pressure on Iran should be intensified and not eased.”

The White House confirmed the Sept. 30 meeting.

“The president looks forward to discussing with prime minister Netanyahu the progress on final status negotiations with the Palestinians as well as development in Iran, Syria, and elsewhere in the region,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

Netanyahu and Obama last met in March, when the U.S. president visited Israel.

Obama has vowed to stop Iran from creating the means to make nuclear weapons.

Iran says that is not its intent, and its nuclear program is designed for peaceful energy programs.

The Iran issue is one of the backdrops to the story in Syria, an Iranian ally.

Obama and aides initially indicated they would launch a military strike against Syria over an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on anti-government rebels; Obama later agreed to a Russian proposal to have Syria turn over chemical weapons to international control.


4 thoughts on “Netanyahu to meet Obama on Iran

  1. Just like Kerry flew to Israel after his meeting with the Russians to get his “good boy doggy treat”, Obomba will meet with Nutty- yahooty to see if he got his marching orders in line with what Israhell wants done with Iran. O-Bo doesn’t want to meet with Iran’s new leader, but he sure won’t miss meeting with Israhell, who leads him around by the–nose!!!

  2. It is easy to lead I’ll Bombya by the nose, it has gotten very large and swollen from sticking it into so many places it does not belong.

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