Fake Bombs Have Staten Island on Alert

The Resistanct Journals – by Andrew Pontbriand

In recent weeks, there have been numerous bomb scares, and improvised explosive devices found across Staten Island. None of the bombs appeared to be operational.  A number of inoperable devices that included clocks, wires, and plastic bottles were left out on the street, as the NYPD Bomb squad has been busy investigating their origin.

The most recent discovery was made by Staten Island Sanitation workers. They discovered a black backpack on Duncan Road, which had in it what appeared to be an IED (improvised explosive device).  

Prior to this, on Thursday, a camouflage backpack was sitting on the sidewalk of Brentwood Avenue. A man that was walking buy, fearlessly opened up the bag and saw a device he suspected was a bomb.

Once more, on September 3rd, a Stop and Shop was evacuated after a backpack was discovered outside. The bomb squad was called to the scene, and once again the same contents were found. Staten Island residents are on edge. “It scares me to death”, said Carolyn Clark when interviewed by CBS News. These bomb scares has endured large responses by Police, Fire Departments and the Bomb Squad.

After a threat from Ayman al-Zawahri, the Leader of Al-Qaeda, such bomb scares have a cause for concern for residents. These Bomb scares came prior to the shooting in D.C. on Monday; and seem in no way connected. It is however interesting that right after the CIA created Al-Qaeda makes a threat, bomb scares come and massacres follow.




2 thoughts on “Fake Bombs Have Staten Island on Alert

  1. Why doesn’t the NYPD just ask the FBI? After all, if anyone has a reputation for planting fake bombs and blaming it on patsies, it’s the FBI. I mean, the NYPD really should bow to experience on this one.

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