New Jersey Pro 2A Assembly Woman Donna Simon Under Attack by Bloomberg Forces

Donna SimonAmmoLand

New Jersey –-( It should come as no surprise that NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg is trying to use his name and cash to attack pro Second Amendment candidates here in NJ and across the country.

We have been told that his latest attempt at buying people’s rights comes in the form of pouring cash into the group Hunterdon United For Gun Safety (HUGs) specifically so they can attack District 16 ASW Donna Simon for her pro Second Amendment stance.  

If we are going to preserve the Second Amendment in NJ, we must stand behind and assist legislators that support liberty. Donna is a supporter of the Second Amendment and has stood on the side of liberty when the legislature chose to attack our rights earlier this year.

NJ2AS is helping assemble volunteers to assist Donna Simon’s campaign on Saturday, November 2 2013.

You can register for the event by visiting or simply by clicking on the links below:

November 2 2013 Donna Simon Volunteer Day (Legislative District 16)

Volunteers will meet at RNC Victory Office in Bridgewater at 9:30AM. Volunteers would then be deployed to assist however we can at 10:00AM. This may include going door to door to hand out literature, please dress accordingly.

For more information on ASW Simon’s campaign in LD16, please visit her web site

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit:

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