NFL, NBA and the NHL use TSA Precheck to spy on fans


The company that wants everyone to use biometric drivers licenses is installing TSA Precheck biometric scanners in sports stadiums across the country.

‘Airport security is coming to the sports stadium through a program initiated by Idemia’.

On March 1, 2018, IDEMIA announced that they are partnering with the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and the NHL’s New York Islanders.

“IdentoGO, which is the enrollment provider for the TSA Pre✓ Application Program, will offer enrollment into the program from the retail location within the venue. “

With the addition of the Brooklyn Nets, New York Islanders, New York Jets, and the San Francisco 49ers, IDEMIA has completed a trifecta in American sports surveillance. All that is missing is Major League Baseball.

Sports teams are using TSA precheck to encourage fans to give up their privacy in exchange for speeding through security.

Why are sports teams installing TSA Precheck and facial biometric cameras?

Last year, I warned everyone that the NHL was installing facial recognition cameras to reduce their liability.

Facial recognition cameras and TSA Precheck will also be used to create watch lists of sports fans. (Click here to find out more.)

Not to be outdone, the Lincoln Motor Company is installing complimentary TSA Precheck scanners in all their 2018 vehicles, allowing the TSA to spy on drivers and passengers before they enter a sports stadium.

What value does IDEMIA put on our privacy?

Biometric spying provides value to fans

Sports complex CEO argues biometric spying provides value to sports fans.

Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment CEO Brett Yormark claims, “IdentoGO will further provide value to our fans that goes above and beyond the traditional event experience.

Let’s think about that for a moment, for more than a hundred years your parents and grandparents went to sporting events without Big Brother spying on them.

A hundred years ago, immigrants from all over the world would NEVER have come to America if they knew they would be spied on everywhere they went. Yet sports teams insist that biometric surveillance is good for everyone.

So where did they get that idea? From IDEMIA of course.

“Our value-added solutions will offer enhancements to both security as well as fan experience at these types of venues,”said Ed Casey, Chief Executive Officer, IDEMIA’s Identity & Security Business. And not surprisingly the TSA’s PreCheck run by IDEMIA claims it ‘provides smarter security and a better air travel experience’

Because who doesn’t want to be spied on by DHS?

And if you are still not convinced that biometric spying is good for everyone, you could always visit IDEMIA’s PreCheck bus.

 PreCheck nationwide propaganda bus tour

That’s right for the past two years IDEMIA has been using a TSA PreCheck propaganda bus to convince the public that biometric spying is good for everyone.

Remember, TSA PreCheck will be used at more than just NFL, NHL and NBA games. DHS will use it to spy on concertgoers, business conventions, and numerous other events.

Don’t let DHS put biometric scanners in sports stadiums, train stationsbus terminals, etc.

The time to act is now, before it is too late.

One thought on “NFL, NBA and the NHL use TSA Precheck to spy on fans

  1. Well this will do a nice job of reducing ticket sales. Maybe some of these Zionist-owned sports teams will go out of business.

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