3 thoughts on “NOW – Trump: “This is a fight between good and evil.”

  1. Sorry Dump, this is a 3500 yr old feud between the Israelite and Ishmaelites.
    Lets nuke them both from orbit, just to be sure.


  2. even though they always lie.. they always tell the truth.. it IS a fight between good and evil.. just different perceptions of both. the only difference in. good evil.. god devil.. is 1 letter. that’s what it boils down to. oh.. and my favorite of their play on words.. don’t do forget the last 4 letters of ashkeNAZI.. I’m sure it’s a coincidence and I’m being a speercy theeris.

  3. Speaking of Trump…

    Some are touting this German politician as a voice of truth encouraging the people to rise up against world tyranny. But what good can come out of politics? And controlled opposition can be so charming, if not convincing. Here she speaks about Trump. Seems she’s not focusing on any of HIS moves in advancing tyranny. And her words have undertones of “Vote for Trump in 2024,” dutifully holding up a system that is against freedom.



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