NYPD cop charged for breaking into Bronx woman’s apartment and beating her

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNew York Daily News – by ROCCO PARASCANDOLA

A Bronx cop lauded on Medal Day for his heroics has been charged for breaking into a Bronx woman’s home and drunkenly assaulting her just hours after being honored, police said Monday.

The Daily News in June reported that Officer Eugene Donnelly was placed on modified duty — stripped of his gun and badge — after the startling June 11 incident.  

Sources said Donnelly, 27, had begun drinking the night before in celebration of getting the Police Combat Cross, the NYPD’s second-highest honor, during a ceremony at One Police Plaza.

He crashed at a friend’s apartment in Woodlawn, then at some point woke up and left the building clad only in his underwear.

He returned a short time later and, apparently mistaking another apartment for his friend’s, broke down the door, sources said.

Donnelly had received the Police Combat Cross, the NYPD’s second-highest honor. He has been suspended by the agency without pay.Donnelly had received the Police Combat Cross, the NYPD’s second-highest honor. He has been suspended by the agency without pay.

The loud bang awakened the 30-year-old woman who lives there, but before she had a chance to react he allegedly beat her while she was in her bed, punching her more than 20 times as she tried to get away.

Inexplicably, sources said, he then drank from a milk container that was in her refrigerator before fleeing the scene.

He was captured on surveillance video that police recovered and put on a wanted poster.

The flyer was posted at some locations in the Bronx before police realized the wanted man was Donnelly.

Donnelly, who earned the Police Combat Cross for arresting a gunman who had fired at him in the Bronx in May 2012, was charged Monday with misdemeanor assault and burglary.

He was suspended from the NYPD without pay.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/nypd-charged-burglary-beating-bronx-article-1.1891428#ixzz39StVs1dB

2 thoughts on “NYPD cop charged for breaking into Bronx woman’s apartment and beating her

  1. Misdimeanor assult? Come on get real here. It should read Misdimeanor burglary with atempted rape, and atempted murder here. What a break they gave him and with only a misdimeanor he can still have a gun and badge at a diferent police department. They do take care of there own. No wonder Cops never worrie about dishing the law.

  2. “… breaking into a Bronx woman’s home and drunkenly assaulting her just hours after being honored, police said Monday.”

    Didn’t take long for his true colors to emerge.

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