Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?

Publius Forum – by Warner Todd Huston

As millions of illegal aliens stream across our southern border bringing poverty, disease, and the destruction of our country, President Obama has finally decided to launch a program to lock down a border… but it isn’t ours. His billion-dollar plan is to help the Nigerians shut down their borders.

After all this time of Americans pleading for the government to lock our border down, apparently Obama suddenly thinks that border security is important, only not for us and in this case to stop terrorism.  

Last Thursday the State Department announced that it is launching a border security plan in cooperation with officials from Nigeria and several other nearby African nations such as Cameroon.

The problem Obama’s regime hopes to correct with this border security program is that of the constant raids and attacks by the Islamic terror group Boko Haram.

Assistant Secretary of State Linda Thomas-Greenfield told a meeting of U.S. and Nigerian officials in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, that “Despite our collective efforts, the situation on the ground is worsening.

This is the same terror group that kidnapped over 50 schoolgirls and used them for sex slaves earlier this year. You’ll remember that Obama’s feckless response to this attack was to have Moochelle Obama to post a photo on Twitter showing her stern-faced and holding a piece of paper that said #bringbackoutgirls.

We know how effective that little Moochelle campaign was, right? Right! The girls have never been released and are living as slaves to this day.

But there is a fundamental question here. If border security works… why hasn’t Obama tried it here in the USA to stop millions of diseased illegal aliens from crossing our border?

Oh, you know why, don’t you? Obama wants our border to be wide open so that millions of new Democrat voters can stream into the country for his handouts of free money and benefits.

Al ya gotta do is vote Democrat, Hosea, and here is your free lunch.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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2 thoughts on “Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?

  1. “Oh, you know why, don’t you? Obama wants our border to be wide open so that millions of new Democrat voters can stream into the country for his handouts of free money and benefits.

    Al ya gotta do is vote Democrat, Hosea, and here is your free lunch.”

    Once again, an author who is completely oblivious to the real reason for the open border agenda and is still playing the false left/right political game.

    It has nothing to do with democratic voters or to attack the “conservative party”, but has everything to do with an invasion and the downfall of our country as a whole. Wake up, you dumbass!

  2. “Assistant Secretary of State Linda Thomas-Greenfield told a meeting of U.S. and Nigerian officials in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, that “Despite our collective efforts, the situation on the ground is worsening.”

    Which means your “collective efforts” are succeeding.

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