Officials have lost track of 50,000 illegal immigrants

Net migration – the number immigrants arriving in Britain minus the number emigrating - rose to 243,000 in the year to March. The Telegraph – by Matthew Holehouse, and Steven Swinford

More than 50,000 illegal immigrants told to leave the country have been granted a “de-facto amnesty” after officials admitted they have no idea where they are.

Mandie Campbell, director general of Immigration Enforcement at the Home Office, said that immigration enforcement officers are not even looking for the individuals because of limited resources.

MPs on the Public Accounts Committee described the lack of information about the immigrants as “scary” and “complacent”.

The Home Office has hired Capita to track down migrants whose application to remain in Britain has been refused but their whereabouts were unknown.

Mrs Campbell said that 121,000 of them were tracked down but disclosed that they had lodged new cases to remain in Britain. However, it had no information about the location of 50,000 individuals.

Mrs Campbell said: “Capita do a range of checks on the individuals to follow up last known addresses and specialist checks with credit agencies. A range of checks take place to try to determine their location. That group we have had no contact with at all.

“We are not sending enforcement officers to that address, because we a limited amount of enforcement resource. We apply that resource on a harm basis. If there is any evidence that they are causing harms, ie criminal offending, then of course we would.”

Stewart Jackson, a Conservative MP, said: “You don’t know who they are, where they are, what they are doing? Do you think they are going to turn up at Portsmouth and say can I check in on your embarkation system please and leave the country?

“It’s just not going to happen. It’s not just 500 people, it’s 500000 who you have just lost. This is a serious public safety issue and there seems to be an element of complacency here – 50,000 might turn up, they might not. It’s not acceptable.”

Yesterday, the government announced new legislation which will see landlords face fines if they rent homes to illegal immigrants without checking their “right to rent” is to be brought into force in a phased roll-out across the country.

The new measures in the Immigration Act are to be launched first in the West Midlands, in Birmingham, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley and Wolverhampton.

The new law will mean from December 1 private landlords will have to check the right of prospective tenants to be in the country if they want to avoid potentially being fined up to £3,000.

Immigration and security minister James Brokenshire said: “We are building an immigration system that is fair to British citizens and legitimate migrants and tough on those who abuse the system or flout the law.

“The right to rent checks will be quick and simple, but will make it more difficult for immigration offenders to stay in the country when they have no right to be here.

“They will also act as a new line of attack against unscrupulous landlords who exploit people by renting out substandard, overcrowded and unsafe accommodation.”

3 thoughts on “Officials have lost track of 50,000 illegal immigrants

  1. Hmm….the U.S. loses track of its illegals and now, of course, Britain follows suit by losing 50,000 of their illegals.

    Me thinks the elite are trying to create an illegal immigrant social invasion with every country around the world. The ultimate invasion from within.

    Is this how they are going to declare war? By creating these invasions to create a humanitarian crisis around the world in order to initiate their UN army to save everyone and then declare union areas instead of countries that will unite under their NWO?

  2. Avi & Schlomo over at Capita wont do a damned thing – they are just a zio-linked money sponge.

    a friend of mine has the (miss)fortune to work for them.
    management are 100% jews.

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