Legal Insurrection – by Mary Chastain
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is okay with DC police arresting people who do not wear masks on the House side of Congress.
The woman once again shows she does not care about anyone but herself.
Remember when Pelosi went to a San Francisco salon in 2020 when the city closed down salons?
Videos recently exposed the supposed mask-loving queen partying with rich Democrats in Napa…without a mask.
This appears to be a video of @SpeakerPelosi talking to donors at the @dccc retreat this weekend in Napa.
— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) August 22, 2021
The tickets for the 2021 Napa Frontline Event cost from $100 to a whopping $29,000.
The event benefited vulnerable House Democrats.
The video shows four long tables with a lot of people literally sitting shoulder-to-shoulder without masks. Pelosi is speaking to the crowd at the head of one table without a mask
The plebes who served the rich all wore masks, though!
The CDC recommends people “consider” wearing a mask outdoors “because of potential dangers.”
The CDC also advises wearing masks in crowded outdoor areas.
As I said, the people at the tables literally sat shoulder-to-shoulder.
Exclusively old white liberals at a super spreader event while their ethnic, masked staff wait on them hand and foot.
How minorities continue to be the turkeys that vote for Christmas baffles me.
— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 22, 2021
Isn’t this what they used to call a “Super-Spreader Event”? They don’t seem worried at all. What do the rich elite know that we don’t?
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) August 22, 2021
Don’t ever fucking tell me to “do my part” on coronavirus.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) August 22, 2021
Good to see the nation's malefactors having a wonderful time as the torture and slaughter–for which they bear distinct responsibility!–continue in Afghanistan
— Nan Hayworth, M.D. (@NanHayworth) August 22, 2021