Police State Amerika Continues While Some People Are Still Left In Denial

With police in Illinois and Indiana stopping people for a just a glance or for walking down the same street as a criminal once did or even if you are taking a trip through Tennessee on Labor Day weekend and being forced to extract and donate your blood to the government, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the police are out of control in this country. From shooting dogs, old people and veterans to raiding homes without a warrant and beating people to death before realizing that they had the wrong house (sometimes even with a warrant), these acts of excessive force makes you wonder why more people aren’t rioting or declaring war on the police.  

Last week, the notorious Round Rock, TX Police Department gave myself and others at our call center workplace a cold welcome when they surrounded our building and sent in SWAT with assault rifles, all because of some random caller, who they could not identify on caller ID (aka, an infamous anonymous tip), stated that he heard what sounded like shots fired around the area. No way to verify the informant or whether it was a prank or not. Mind you my workplace is in a safe area and is in the suburbs of Austin with no history of any reported violence in that vicinity. Sounds like a staged incident to me! Gotta justify those SWAT funds for something, right?

Anyways, the police did not send in one police officer to do a simple routine drive by or even call the security in the building to check to see whether or not it was a false alarm. No, they sent in 14 police cars to surround the building and then pull out about 6 guys all dressed up with bullet proof vest and wearing green military SWAT gear with glasses, helmet, camo, assault rifles and all.

While taking calls, my co-workers and I were standing up, almost paralyzed mid-speech in our calls, while looking out the building window and wondering just what in hell was going on. From my experiences with the Round Rock Police, I knew this was not good. However, my supervisors, probably trying desperately to prevent a widespread panic, made a futile attempt to calm us workers by telling us to continue to take calls from customers, all the while the SWAT team, lead by a police officer in a bullet proof vest, were literally marching up to our door as though they were ready to invade with weapons ready. This was even after security and the department managers went out to them to find out what was going on.

So using the guilty until proven innocent philosophy that we all know that police follow these days, especially Round Rock, the police told them that they wanted to go and make sure, for our own “safety and protection”, of course. So my managers and security basically said, “Sure, come on in, we’ll show you around” like the dumb sheeple that they are.

So, as I said before, instead of sending in just one policeman, the police department sends the entire SWAT team in along with them, even AFTER the heads of the departments and security said everything was ok. You’d think the Round Rock Police Department had just finished watching the movie, “Die Hard” or something and they were afraid these weren’t the real managers and security. I mean come on. Seriously?

Upon entering the door into our call center room, SWAT came in, sticking to each other like glue just like you see in the movies with their assault rifles ready. After seeing the shocked look on our faces, they must have known we weren’t the angry enemy combatants that the government makes them so accustomed to believe and one of them proceeded to insult our intelligence by ridiculously saying almost in a Hollywood movie fashion, “Don’t worry everyone, this is just a drill. You can all go back to your work”.

So since I am closest to the door and in shock and, at the same time, angered by this gross display of excessive use of police force, I yelled out to them, “Drill? What the hell is wrong with you? You do drills on a base, not in a public workplace. If anything, this is a job for the police, not the military or SWAT. This is unconstitutional!” at which point one of the SWAT guys turns around and looks at me, as they were heading towards the warehouse area, almost shocked that I had spoken out against them. As he looked at me, I continued by saying, “Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. You know this is illegal. You know what you are doing is wrong. This police state, Gestapo, military crap is bullshit and you know it. You don’t come up in here, terrorizing people in a public workplace like this. What the hell’s a matter with you?” The guy then just turned back around, probably feeling that he should not escalate it further and continued to proceed with the rest of his group into the warehouse.

Meanwhile, my supervisor is desperately trying to get me to shut up for fear that they might shoot me or something and to play the ignorance is strength game by saying, “Get back to work and take some calls.” I said to him, “Seriously? There’s SWAT in here and you expect us to continue to take calls?”

So while the SWAT team and police do a sweep of the building, they had placed us all on lockdown and we could not leave until they were finished. So most of us headed into the break room for a while to try and settle ourselves down. However, it didn’t work, as most of us just became even angrier that we couldn’t go anywhere and that SWAT almost pointed assault rifles at us for no reason. But of course, there were always those one or two sheeple in the room who tried to tell us, “Oh there you go with the conspiracy talk again. The police are just here to protect us”, as if she enjoyed giving up her freedom for security. I went on a tirade and blasted those one or two for thinking that way and trying to explain to them that this is police state bullshit and it’s only going to get worse. Even a military veteran who works with us said, “What they are doing is so illegal, it’s not even funny”. We even have co-workers who originally came from Detroit who have worked with the company for years, who say, “We’re from Detroit and we’re taught that when you see SWAT coming, you get the hell out of the area or get your head down. You DON’T tell everyone to continue to take calls!”.

Finally, after about 10 minutes, the Call Center manager comes into the break room laughing and saying, “Haha! This was all just a simple misunderstanding. They had the wrong building. It was the other building next door. The police weren’t sure if it was this building or the other building. They were only told that the caller said shots were heard in this area of the road.” I didn’t even care anymore as I looked at her and went ballistic on her saying, “A simple misunderstanding? A SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDING????!!!! They came in with assault rifles nearly pointed at us and you laugh and say it was a “simple misunderstanding”? BULLSHIT! Do you really expect us to believe that crap? Don’t insult my intelligence.” Another supervisor came up and tried to reiterate the same thing she just said, but basically none of us believed it.

So after telling us that everything was fine and that lockdown was over and that we needed to get back on the phones, half of the people (mostly the older generation) took voluntary time off and went home, while the other half (mostly the younger generation) thought it was cool and exciting and decided to stay and take more calls and finish out their day, maybe waiting for something else to happen. I, for one, was one of the people who left as I was an emotional mess.

The fact that this all happened shows you the excessive use of force that police continue to use after escalating and over-blowing situations completely out of proportion, all “for our protection and safety”. Who cares about our freedoms and rights when you have that, right? And the fact that there are still some people out there living in denial of it all just kills me.

For example, I sent the link of the video footage from the Tennessee checkpoint article that was posted earlier (Tennessee Rolls Out “No Refusal” Blood-Draw DUI Checkpoints for Labor Day) to a friend of a friend who insists that if it was as serious as I said it was, the mainstream media would have shown it on TV already.

If you take a look at the second video in the article, you’ll notice that the local mainstream media news is talking about how they are strapping people to the table and how it raises legality issues, yet at the same time, trying to tame it down a bit by implying in their off the wall, Communist rhetoric that the acts are not inhumane, immoral or downright insane, but that they are simply, “questionable”.

So after my friend’s friend sees the video footage, she replies, “Well they are just doing it to people who are clearly drunk.”

WHAT!!!??? ARE YOU BLIND??!!!Someone is seriously living in DENIAL!! She completely misses the point that not only is it unconstitutional, IT’S TORTURE AND INHUMANE!!

The point of it is that they were extracting blood against people’s will at an illegal checkpoint. It doesn’t matter whether the person was drunk, eating chicken with a local band member or even watching a movie! THEY’RE FORCIBLY EXTRACTING YOUR BLOOD!!!

Sheesh! What’s next? Extracting blood from people’s eyes until they go blind for glancing at a cop the wrong way at an illegal checkpoint?

I mean come on, people!! Wake the hell up! The police in this country are out of control and it’s up to us to cast out these demons and replace them with one’s who know our Constitution and more importantly, have high morals, a strong sense of humanity and have the courage to confront and arrest those who attempt to threaten our freedom, our liberties and our way of life.

As our country descends further into police state Amerika, we must do all we can to speak out and expose these abominable acts and to bring it to their attention that we will not take this anymore and that their days of tyranny are numbered and we will bring them to justice. The more people who wake up and take action, the more these dirt bags will cower in fear and run away like the pigs that they are.

We must always remember that there are more of us than there are of them. When they are surrounded in mass by WE THE PEOPLE, there’s only so many of their schoolyard gang members that they can call and most of them will run away like frightened children, once they realize that they are unable to control or contain the atrocities which they had created in the first place.

It’s time WE THE PEOPLE end this police state paranoia and restore our country, our constitution and our God given rights!


10 thoughts on “Police State Amerika Continues While Some People Are Still Left In Denial

  1. There is only one way at this point and as you can see the majority of the poupulation isn’t going to do a fckn thing about it so buckle up and get used to it!
    Or say fck it and reach out and show em some love every time you see them on ops!

  2. I always try and insult, humiliate and ridicule them as much as possible. When I see them on the street wearing their ridiculous SWAT gear, I ask them if we are being invaded and should I go home and get my rifle. They don’t like it one bit, but I don’t like them parading around like the clowns they are more. I always make sure to remind them I am laughing AT them.

    1. Hahahaha! That’s a good idea. I’ll try that one next time. Especially since I’m in Texas and everyone knows that most of us have guns in our houses.

  3. The sad part, I think, which hasn’t really sunk in for most Americans (not us here, I mean the typical sheep or partially-awake American) is that they’re NOT going to stop.

    It’s just going to get worse and worse.

  4. This is another outrageous example of, “We’re the police and we can do whatever we want” mentality. Sounds like the supervisors and managers are real idiots letting them walk around the place at all, let alone doing it with people still at their call stations. First thing said should always be, “Do you have a warrant?”, or “I do not consent to your trespassing on company private property.”, or hell, you can even stall them until you can call a higher ranking person in the corporate food chain and convince them to deny access. Whatever you do, always record it on a mobile device or two or three.

    Well, buckle up, this infection is entering the bloodstream. This will get much worse until it hits the boiling point and We The People decide to correct it. We’re not far off from the apex of tyranny. Get your shit together while you still can.

    1. Yea, I forgot about the warrant thing, too. But I don’t think they would have cared at that point and the idiots we got working as department heads wouldn’t even know what a warrant is, let alone what the Constitution is. All they care about is selling their damn products.

      1. you are right about that, NC. Plenty of people here have never read the Constitution. They don’t know what’s in it. They don’t know what the Constitution IS. Including so-called educated liberals. I know this, because I used to be one of them. One day I read it, and read it again, and again, until it sunk in. Boy, did I feel dumb. And also angry that somehow this had never come up in my schooling.

        1. Yep, I felt the same way after waking up to it all, too, EE.

          I guess some people would rather look like a fool than to know and understand the truth.

          The “Ignorance is strength” philosophy is so tempting and so much easier sometimes for those who don’t want to deal with anything. Eventually it will get them in trouble or even killed.

        2. That is how I got my brother to wake up. He had been living in LA for years and had become infected with left coast liberalism. We were arguing one day and I finally asked, when was the last time you read the Constitution? He said he hadn’t. I asked him to get a copy, read it, then call me back. There was a 180 degree change in his attitude on the return call.

          1. That’s really great about your brother, Bill. Good thinking!

            I think it was the 3rd consecutive straight read-through where it finally hit me (hard) that I don’t get to pick and choose parts of the Constitution; it is meant to be taken as a whole.

            Also, it has been obvious to me ever since, that all those years I had ignorantly and thoughtlessly demonized in my mind, those that call themselves “Patriots” and “Constitutionalists,” without even knowing what I meant. (how stupid is that??) I was not exactly smug, but I just thought I was on the side of right or something (the left side of right, haha).

            This is why I think, hey if *I* can figure it out, then maybe some of these other deluded folks can, too.

            And there is nothing angrier or more resolute, than an awakened former liberal who finally gets how deep the deception and betrayal goes and how badly they were duped.

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