Police Threaten, Arrest North Carolina Protesters Demanding America Reopen

Daily Caller – by William Davis

Police arrested protesters at a #reopenNC rally in North Carolina, where restless citizens demanded businesses in the state be allowed to reopen. 

North Carolina is one of 43 states currently under a stay at home order over the coronavirus pandemic. Protesters gathered flying “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, and one person could be seen holding a sign reading “freedom isn’t free.”

The Raleigh Police Department tweeted that the protesters were in violation of Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s executive order, and asked them to disperse.

At least one person at the rally was arrested, according to local investigative reporter Jonah Kaplan, who estimated that over 100 people attended the rally in total.

The rally was organized by a Facebook group known as “Reopen NC,” which now has roughly 27,000 members. Protesters could be heard blasting their car horns in front of the state capital at one point early Tuesday afternoon.

Daily Caller

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