Portland Antifa Smashes Out Windows of the Headquarters of the Democrat Party of Oregon

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Antifa terrorists in Portland smashed out windows of the headquarters of the Democrat Party in Oregon.

Antifa sprayed ‘F*ck Biden’ on the buidling.


“We don’t want Biden – we want revenge”

Townhall reporter Julio Rosas is reporting live from Portland: A group of Antifa marchers just attacked the city’s Democratic Party office. They broke windows and spray painted the building.

Some of them had a hard time breaking the windows.


Antifa took off after Portland police showed up.

Portland police said anyone involved in criminal behavior will be arrested or cited.

Gateway Pundit

2 thoughts on “Portland Antifa Smashes Out Windows of the Headquarters of the Democrat Party of Oregon

    1. 2021 storming of the US Capitol, it has its own Wikipedia page, now! Our fore fathers are rolling in their graves at this sad excuse for insurrectionists . Bunch of damn cupcakes!

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