Proof US Gov’t Tested Poisonous Chemicals On Unsuspecting American Citizens

lisa-martino-taylor-government-testing-zinc-cadmium-sulfide-chem-trails-conspiracyNow the End Begins

Many people have said to me that the reason why chem trails cannot be true because there is no way that the United States government would intentionally poison their own people. You are about to have that myth shattered into a million, tiny pieces.

Meet Lisa Martino-Taylor  

Lisa Martino-Taylor is a sociologist whose life’s work has been to uncover details of the Army’s ultra-secret military experiments carried out in St. Louis and other cities during the 1950s and 60s.

“The study was secretive for reason. They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles,” said Martino-Taylor.
Army archive pictures show how the tests were done in Corpus Christi, Texas in the 1960s. In Texas, planes were used to drop the chemical. But in St. Louis, the Army placed chemical sprayers on buildings and station wagons.

Documents confirmed that city officials were kept in the dark about the tests. The Cold War cover story was that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. The truth, according to Martino-Taylor was much more sinister.

“It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,” she said. By making hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests, she uncovered once-classified documents that confirm the spraying of zinc cadmium sulfide.

Martino-Taylor says the greatest concentration was centered on the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex, just northwest of downtown St. Louis in the Carr Square neighborhood. It was home to 10,000 low income people. An estimated 70 percent she says were children under the age of 12.


“This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military’s own policy at that time,” said Martino-Taylor. 

In 1994, then-Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-St. Louis), asked the Army to open its records and explain the St. Louis testing. At the time Rep. Gephardt said, “We want to make sure nothing went on that would harm anyone, and that all the fact are out on the table.”

Documents released in the 90s showed the Army placed sprayers on a former Knights of Columbus building on Lindell and in Forest Park. The Army always insisted the chemical compound was safe. Martino-Taylor believes documents prove otherwise.

“There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project,” she said. For the first time, she links the St. Louis testing to a company called US Radium, a company notorious for lawsuits involving radioactive contamination of its workers.
“US radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,” said Martino-Taylor. While the Army admits it added a florescent substance to the zinc cadmium compound, details of whether it was radioactive remains secret. Documents uncovered to date indicate the Army never conducted follow-up studies to see whether the compound caused long term health issues.

In 1972, after years of crime, poverty, and decline, the government destroyed the Pruitt -Igoe housing complex.

11 thoughts on “Proof US Gov’t Tested Poisonous Chemicals On Unsuspecting American Citizens

  1. I know this kind of thing happens….Just look-up all the superfund sites around the country at military bases…especially Camp Lejeune. There is so much evidence that the Navy and Marine Corps. knew that military and civilian personnel were being exposed to trichloroethylene and trihalomethanes….there were 60-70 other chemicals as well. I feel obligated to tell the Lejeune story to let anyone who was there between 1957-1987, that your health problems are likely connected. Thousands of Vets and civilians who worked there still don’t know about this and they need to know….I feel this is the best site to do this since the majority of people who come to this site are either veterans or constitutionalists…..both are the same to me….Semper-Fi.

    1. I was at Camp Lejeune for 5 weeks in 1985 for Water Safety Survival Instructor School. That base gave me the creeps. Thank god I was a winger most of the time (Cherry Point).

      1. I was a crew chief with CH-53 A&D models….The water and the soil was contaminated….If you don’t have health problems, you’re lucky. Even 5 weeks was long enough for exposure. Cherry point is fixed wing…I almost did that.

    2. (SARC)
      Yumm, I love JP4 and Hydraulic fluid with a smidgen of blown electronics smoke. Shall we SWEEP the Asphalt without dust masks, and FOD walk/crawl on knees in the AGE yards for “missing tools?” How about climb into the WING tank to replace that sensor? Climb through the Stab panel to Fix the switch? Uh Oh, Smoke in the Cockpit

  2. They are still doing it and they still deny doing it, what else is new? My woods and I are dying from it, and no it is not the emerald ash borer killing my trees. But if you want to believe that an insect is killing all the trees, go ahead. You can also believe that chemtrails are not real and the government is here to help you, its your life and I don’t care anymore. I am just waiting for them to kill me so that I can move on.

  3. About 4 years ago this March I got the flu so bad it nearly killed me. I’m the type of guy who never gets sick. Because of the job I had at the time (working 2am to 6am) and only shopping at 6am at one store , it was easy for me to track down where I might have caught the virus. I narrowed it down to a shopping cart at one supermarket. I actually believe some government spook put a jelly on the handle of a shopping cart and then tracked me to see if I croaked or just got real sick and needed a hospital. I was so weak that I actually had trouble lifting a glass of ice water to my lips from my bed. I kid you not. I then realized why in hospitals they use paper cups with a straw….because that’s what I needed then. If I had not lifted that glass of water to my lips at that one moment then an hour later I would have been to weak to lift it for sure, then I would have died. No one was around to help me except my dog. Anyway, I later learned the entire supermarket got so sick everyone called in for days off. This type of shiet doesn’t “just happen”. It was some sort of superbug planted by someone. The government, some sicko corporation, the CIA….someone.

  4. My father was born and raised in downtown St. louis . he was born in 45. He ended up with MS and passed at 52. I have always thought that the spraying that they did had something to do with it.

  5. @ Bulldog 3:52. That would not suprise me one bit Bulldog.
    Sorry to hear about your dad.
    There have been some people around here where I am at that have been getting sick all of a sudden for no reason too – I am one of them and I haven`t even had so much a a case of the sniffles for well over 10 years, yea I am still not fully recovered after almost 4 weeks of what I had this year.

    1. Don’t worry Digger, spring is coming and you will feel better when you can get outside brother. We were getting a little bit under the weather yesterday and we made some Hot Totties last night. Feeling better today.

  6. They also put out bio-weapons in the chemtrails occasionally. If you see them spraying very dark gray ones, expect to get sick as a dog for a while.

    Took me two months to get completely over that cr@p!

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