Rolling Stone, Washington Post PRAISED pro-pedophile movie Cuties, ATTACKED anti-child sex trafficking movie Sound of Freedom

By Thomas Stevenson – The Post Millennial

Rolling Stone, Washington Post PRAISED pro-pedophile movie Cuties, ATTACKED anti-child sex trafficking movie Sound of Freedom

The Washington Post and Rolling Stone both came out criticizing the anti-child sex trafficking film, Sound of Freedom after its release. Both also praised another movie, Cuties, which depicts a twerking dance crew made up of little girls.

The articles that both the Washington Post and Rolling Stone released about Sound of Freedom accuse the film of being associated with QAnon conspiracy theories. The film is based on a portion of Tim Ballard’s life and the beginnings of him forming the organization, Operation Underground Railroad (OUR).

Rolling Stone said that actor Jim Caviezel, who depicts Ballard in the film, has given “speeches and interviews” about “evildoers who are harvesting the blood of children.”

The Post pointed out that the film has been “promoted on QAnon message boards” and plays into the theory that “global elites are kidnapping children, having sex with them and harvesting their blood.”

Ballard and Caviezel recently went on an interview with Jordan Peterson. Ballard also addressed this and explained that blood and organ harvesting is “very real.” He has posted a video showing a raid where this occurred in Western Africa.

He continued and said, “So, I might say something like that and then they connect it to something a QAnon person says about a celebrity who must be doing this too. But there’s no evidence to back that. They make a false connection there.” Other reports detail the practice.

Another report from the Guardian also made similar claims about Sound of Freedom, yet it also has a report from 2015 about a charity that was formed to prevent child sacrifice and blood rituals in Uganda. The report said, “10,317 youth in Uganda, representing every district in the country, confirmed they have heard of a child being sacrificed.”

The Post and Rolling Stone, aside from attempting to link Sound of Freedom to QAnon, praised the movie Cuties, in which little girls are sexualized in a twerk-dancing crew.

One statement from Rolling Stone said the backlash at Cuties was just part of a “tactic [that] has its roots in conspiracy theorist circles, such as the QAnon community.”

The article alleges the backlash to the film was part of the “far right’s obsession with pedophilia.”

Another piece from Rolling Stone called it a “coming-of-age movie” that was caught in a culture war. The piece says it was not “a salacious bit of pedo-bait” but instead said it was its “polar opposite” that points out what happens when children get too involved with sexuality.

The Post called Cuties “an unflinching look at what it means to be a preteen girl.”

It is the “kind of story that isn’t told well very often, and deserves to be told more.” The Post’s article continued. “Whose gaze does the camera represent? How is this scene supposed to make us feel? These are the kind of nuanced discussions that art is meant to encourage,” the article went on while discussing explicit scenes in the film.

The article says that the point of the camera angle in the scene is to show how “unhealthy adults could perceive what’s happening on the screen” while healthy adults will be shocked.

Link to original article

4 thoughts on “Rolling Stone, Washington Post PRAISED pro-pedophile movie Cuties, ATTACKED anti-child sex trafficking movie Sound of Freedom

  1. Rolling Stone is a war-mongering, communistic, propaganda bs rag; and those who read it are being spoon-fed their own enslavement, disguised as super hip and ultra cool.


  2. Part of the psy-op to divert attention away from what the global elites are doing and how they are not only doing it, but getting away with their schemes and crimes is to make sure they have a handy dandy “conspiracy theory” platform like QAnon to focus attention and ridicule on, as a way of discrediting what the anti-child-trafficking documentary has already brought to bear about what is really going on. Selection time is coming around again. This anti-trafficking truth will be hijacked when the anti-child-trafficking candidate emerges from the mud once again, to fool the people who have been invested in QAnon, into casting another worthless vote for a worthless POS who will lead them off the edge of the cliff once again. Meanwhile, as the multi-billionaires who participate in their money laundering schemes using adult child porn snuff films as currency and trade go on in over 60 different countries, business as usual, and laugh all the way to BlackRock, Vanguard and back, via PayPal, through their AI child porn data base, Rolling Stone stirs the child-twerking shit pot as though nobody can smell the stench of their slime covered rag they call a magazine. David Hawkins is one of my sources. He is an 80 year old an expert on AI systems and how one of them, called ChildBase AI is used as a blackmailing tool.

  3. Vanguard / Blackrock owned ..nuff said?

    AMC theaters are having “problems” showing this movie for some reason .. also V and B owned

    1. Apparently AMC is owned by a Chinese company called the Wanda Group, who acquired AMC in 2012. There are reports from all over the country stating that AMC turned off the AC in the theaters showing Sound of Freedom. The AC was working fine in the lobby, concession areas, bathrooms and screens showing other films. I also heard from a friend in Greenville, SC that the Regal theaters had also turned off the AC for Sound of Freedom. So, they turned off the AC for Sound of Freedom because they want to keep people from seeing this movie.

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