Meet Senator Scott Weiner, one of the most dangerous politicians in America. He is a state Senator in California, and based on the bills he’s pushed forward, he’s after your children.

4 thoughts on “Meet Senator Scott Weiner, one of the most dangerous politicians in America. He is a state Senator in California, and based on the bills he’s pushed forward, he’s after your children.

  1. Yuck!! (and you can replace that Y with an F!!). Been watching this jew-perv for the last few years. They showcase him in his D.C. office appearing as a dignified voice instead of the creep he is.

    Parents, love your children as much as you can. Give the child-stealers no reason to accuse you. Protect your children from every possible abduction, intrusion, perversion. Home-school. And if possible NEVER leave them unattended by either yourself or someone you share deep trust with. NEVER leave them unattended ANYWHERE!! It’s become more predatory now than ever. Parents and guardians are charged with being hyper-vigilant. Monsters advancing. Pandemic of Perversion. Again, love and protect your children with everything in you.


  2. jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew!
    jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew!
    jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew! jew!


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