Rosie O’Donnell in ‘bribery’ storm for offering senators $2mn to kill tax reform


TV personality Rosie O’Donnell offered $2 million to two Republican Senators to vote against the new tax bill – potentially opening herself up to federal bribery charges.

O’Donnell specifically targeted Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Jeff Flake (R-Arizona), who were both slow to say they would support the legislation.

“2 million dollars to Senator Susan Collins and 2 million to Senator Jeff Flake if they vote NO. NO I WILL NOT KILL AMERICANS FOR THE SUOER [sic] RICH. DM (Direct message) me Susan. DM me Jeff. No s**t. $2 million cash each,” she said. 

The tweet sparked a huge reaction online, with many wondering if it would work while others applauded or lambasted O’Donnell.

Several people, including conspiracy blogger Louise Mensch, reminded O’Donnell that it’s illegal to bribe government officials. Mensch suggested she fund their opponents instead.

Indeed, an examination of the US code shows that O’Donnell clearly violated bribery laws by making the offer. The offense is punishable with a fine of up to three times the value of the bribe and/or 15 years in prison.

18 U.S. Code § 201 – Bribery of public officials and witnesses reads:

However O’Donnell was not to be deterred. “I disagree. It is obvious there is a price,” she replied. “Corker had one, Collins too. Flake, almost brave, he crawled out backwards. $2 million to any GOP senator who votes no on KILLING AMERICANS.”

The senate passed the tax bill with a 51-48 vote in the early hours of Wednesday morning. However, because of a procedural issue, it had to be approved in the House again before President Trump could sign it into law.

17 thoughts on “Rosie O’Donnell in ‘bribery’ storm for offering senators $2mn to kill tax reform

  1. It’s an obvious, and blatant attempt to bribe federal officials, but If she has millions to give away, she’s above the law, so there will be no charges.

    And she knows it.

    It’ll be nice to drag the fat loud-mouth into a common law court and show her how little her money buys in the world of real justice.

  2. I can’t look at her face without the “GUN-GRABBER” charge all over it. And the flashin’ of money like that, at this Christmas time when folks are struggling. How about a few soup kitchens, Rosie? I’m sure your armed bodyguards will help with KP. She thinks she champions the poor but she champions THE STATE.


  3. Rosie would be far better off to spend that $4M on commercial real estate and enjoy the fruits of this tax bullshit.

    1. if she has that kind of scratch , maybe she should think about helping us all out, and getting some plastic surgery on that FACE

  4. “Indeed, an examination of the US code shows that O’Donnell clearly violated bribery laws by making the offer.”

    Trying to steal AIPAC’S job.

    Verboten… unless you’re a stinking jew.

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