FBI agents who probed Uranium One deal now under Justice Department scrutiny

Washington Examiner – by Anna Giaritelli

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has directed the Justice Department to interview FBI agents about evidence in a previous investigation into a foreign uranium deal that may have been connected to Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to a report published Thursday morning.

The interviews come a month after Congress asked Sessions to look into whether a second special counsel should be opened to investigate what has become known as the Uranium One deal, one Justice official told NBC News.  

Since early December, Justice prosecutors have been asking FBI agents who investigated the case about their findings, as well as any attempt to thwart the prosecution of any allegedly involved parties.

In 2010, the Obama administration approved the sale of U.S. uranium mining facilities to a Russian state atomic energy company. Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time and her organization, the Clinton Foundation, received millions of dollars from people associated with the deal.

Clinton’s State Department played a role in approving the Uranium One deal because it concluded it would not pose a threat to U.S. national security.

Critics say the process by which the U.S. government approved the sale may have been corrupt, though charges were never filed against American officials. Defenders point out that state was only one of nine federal agencies involved in approving the deal.


4 thoughts on “FBI agents who probed Uranium One deal now under Justice Department scrutiny

  1. And the Justice department will find that the FBI is so totally corrupt from top to bottom that they can’t arrest any of them without arresting all of them, which of course, would leave the nation vulnerable to a lack of false-flag attacks, which in turn would undermine national security.

    And this will put them into the new legal category of “too crooked to jail”.

    The nation of idiots will fall for it, and Trump will double their budget to make America great again.

  2. “Clinton’s State Department played a role in approving the Uranium One deal because it concluded it would not pose a threat to U.S. national security.”

    On the other hand… HITLERY & CO. DOES!

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