Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over US Territory 24-29 June


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – A group of Russian military observers will conduct observation flights over US and Swedish territory by 29 June, the official newspaper of the Russian Armed Forces, Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), reported on Monday.

“One of them [the flights] will be conducted over the territory of the United States by Russia’s Tu-154MLK-1 aircraft in the period from June 24-29, from the Open Skies Treaty airfield in Great Falls, with a maximum range of 5,130 kilometres [3,188 miles].

The other one will be conducted over Swedish territory by Russia’s An-30B observation aircraft in the period from June 24-28, from the Open Skies Treaty airfield in Uppsala, with a maximum range of 1,700 kilometres”, the newspaper reported.

The flights will be carried out under the international Open Skies Treaty.

The routes have been coordinated with the United States and Sweden, and US and Swedish experts on board of the Russian aircraft will control the use of surveillance equipment and compliance with the treaty, the newspaper added.

A French-German mission plans to conduct an observation flight over Russian territory aboard a French observation aircraft from 24-28 June.

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