The Biden White House announced its participation in a second global COVID summit on May 12, 2022.
JUST IN – White House announces second global COVID summit on May 12 aiming to "bring solutions to vaccinate the world for everyone, everywhere."
— (@disclosetv) April 18, 2022
The goal of this new summit aiming to “bring solutions to vaccinate the world for everyone, everywhere.”
They’re still pushing the experimental vaccines that wear off in a few months.
So, they’re galloping fast-forward into our face. They want to jab “EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE!!” “THE WHOLE PLANET!!” Funny how they avoid the word “mandatory.” Maybe they’re saving that for next month. Could be where the rubber meets the road. The long awaited showdown. And it won’t just be us against them, but also us against all “The People Who Believe Television!!” That’d be cousins, aunts, brothers, sisters, best friends, etc. Again they will put the pressure on us to not be “selfish” and as their Jennifer Aniston says, “Take the damn shot!!”
No, you guys take the shot!! My kind of shot. Stay the fk away from my arm!!! Hold all the summits you want, you ain’t gettin’ the compliance you desire; you ain’t gettin’ that particular variety of genocide. And you won’t escape your other trickery of messin’ with our water and air. Retribution on the horizon.
Everyone, eh? Good luck trying to even get even close to those “primitives” on North Sentinel Island! If a Christian evangelist type “making disciples” couldn’t do it… Or the Amish, for that matter! Watch out for mountain lions…
well I think common sense provides enough data to ensure that not everyone will get it. good luck