Senate Committee Asks General about “No-Fly Zone” for Syria; Reply “Would require us to go to WAR . . . with Russia”


A US Senate Committee receiving a briefing from United States Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, the current Chairman of the Joint CHiefs of Staff, asked if the US should impose a “No-Fly ZOne” in Syria, “to prevent barrel bombs from being dropped.”  General Dunford responded “That would require going to war . . . .  with Russia . . . . and Syria.”

Video of the exchange appears below; just so you know what our public servants in the US Senate are getting us into:  


3 thoughts on “Senate Committee Asks General about “No-Fly Zone” for Syria; Reply “Would require us to go to WAR . . . with Russia”

  1. I’m fairly certain the Enemy is already at war with Syria. (I refuse to say WE because I have absolutely nothing to do with it.)
    The Enemy has ground troops operating in Syria without the Syrian Governments permission.
    The Enemy is flying it’s war planes in Syrian airspace without the Syrian governments permission.
    The Enemy just attacked and killed Syrian troops inside the Syrian border without the Syrian governments permission.
    As JD has pointed out, ALL of these things constitute acts of war.
    So now the Enemy wants to sit around in a committee and pretend that they aren’t really at war when they are really at war.
    That’s like me saying I didn’t steal your pizza while I’m sitting there right in front of you eating your pizza.
    “What do you got in your mouth?”

  2. Doing Israel’s bidding is getting expensive! I wonder if Russia will give our elites notice just before they level Wash DC? Would any of you?
    I don’t see how they’ll be able to get to their bunkers in time as the nukes rain down.
    What a bunch of f#@king insane imbeciles we have for “leaders”!

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