Since 9/11, Israeli Mossad uses mall kiosks in the U.S. as front companies while on intelligence operations. U.S. Attorney Jessica Aber is found dead in her home after uncovering Israelis illegally entering the U.S. to work at mall kiosks.

One thought on “Since 9/11, Israeli Mossad uses mall kiosks in the U.S. as front companies while on intelligence operations. U.S. Attorney Jessica Aber is found dead in her home after uncovering Israelis illegally entering the U.S. to work at mall kiosks.

  1. Which is why so few folks in the political or legal realms or both have the guts to expose Israel’s criminal activity in the US–you either toe the line for Israel, or you face what I call “the murder rule.” (the title of my latest novel for free on my website).

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