Students Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College

The Daily Caller – by David Krayden

Students at Evergreen State College are furious that a video documenting their anarchic behavior has been made public, The College Fix reports.

The footage shows students going berserk, swearing like your mother never heard and screaming about “racist white teachers,” “white-assed administrators,” and the obligatory “black power” slogans during what was supposed to be a “meeting” between the malcontent students, college president George Bridges and other college administrators. 

Activists are not pleased that the embarrassing video can now be seen by the world on the internet, and they they are demanding that the “stolen” document be “taken down” by this Friday.

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

The students then outline just how they expect the university to proceed to find the guilty culprits. Claiming to have been in touch with “the Attorney General’s office,” the students suggest that the university “commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation” to discover just who “stole” the video, and, if a suspect is found, to ask that criminal charges be brought against the suspect “in consultation with the Attorney General.”

The video contains many memorable moments of the students’ interacting with their school administrators. They shout “f-k you, and f-k the police” repeatedly while maintaining that “whiteness is the most violent f-kin’ system to ever breathe!” Attempting a philosophical bridge, the students say they are “tired of white people talking about what black and brown people need” before getting to their real point: “F-k you George [Bridges]; we don’t wanna listen to a goddamn thing you have to say! No, you shut the f-k up.”

The students then attempt a history lesson of sorts, telling the college officials, “We built these cities, we had civilization way before you ever had…coming out of your caves.”

The students even instruct Bridges that he should not attempt to speak with his hands in the air, and one student demonstrates how it’s done.

Professor Bret Weinstein, who had already experienced the students’ antics in his classroom, recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the latest student uprising was “far crazier” than what had come before.

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16 thoughts on “Students Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College

  1. The academic system can wither on the vine as a result of its own greed and insanity, I hope it does.

    If a bunch of idiots need to die because they are buying into the NWO divide and conquer BS so be it (if a race war is even possible anymore).

    “By their fruits you shall know them”, considering I see the cuckserveatives supporting/authorizing a police state and international conquest, I’m not sure the Reagan worshiping crowd are any better then the scum shown above, seems they are two sides of the same coin.

  2. Thats right, we American Nationals are predominately WHITE, and that’s just the way it is. Now some of you darker skinned American Nationals have been intentionally propagandized to “believe” we lighter skinned American Nationals are your problem and cause of “black” oppression. Get a grip on your commie schooling and note that “whitey” was slave also at one time.

    The zio’s hate all skin color, known as Goyim if you ain’t one of them.

    You idiots should wake up and ban with other American Nationals and stomp the enemy that will destroy you after you’ve been used for their conquer and divide BS.

    If you don’t like “white” teachers and administrators, hop on a boat or plane and get your rear ends into the blackest of black parts of Africa. See ya!

    I got a black brother that calls into the FTT broadcast and knows more than you people will ever take the time to listen to, even from folk of your skin color. This brother knows it ain’t black vs. white, but it’s the commie, zios that hate us all, period.

  3. Now, if American colleges actually told the TRUTH about WHITE SLAVERY aka INDENTURED SERVITUDE (mostly of Scots-Irish and Irish, but English as well)…back in the late 50s and early 60s this was actually taught in schools I went to–but which I had to teach on my own even with a so-called “Christian” home school curriculum (not even realizing my great-grandmother was descended from indentured servants)–some of this nonsense would likely not be happening. But when schools refuse to teach TRUTH….

  4. “They shout “f#@k you, and f#@k the police” repeatedly…”

    At least they got THAT much right. However…

    “…“whiteness is the most violent f**kin’ system to ever breathe!”

    jewness, you freakin’ imbeciles! (caught the bad word this time… no moderation. 🙄 )

    Can’t fix stupid, but the commies can sure as hell manipulate it to their advantage!

  5. Looks like these assholes luck ran out. How fing retarded are they to think the genie can be put back in the bottle? Their little commie temper tantrums are out for the whole world to see. I think the only investigating that should be happening is identifying these racist prices of shit and black balling them from any real job that is above dish washer at the local McDonald’s.

  6. Large sums of money are being had somewhere in this mess, and this here individual thinks it stinks of George Soros & Co.

  7. So much of this, “shut the f@ck up,” to an adult starts with the parents.
    When a mother refuses to tell her child to stand up and give her seat to a very elderly woman…. what is she teaching that child.

    Was taught to respect your elders and “to rise before the hoary (gray) head.”

    Those condemning scriptures because of how it says one should deal with a stubborn and rebellious child have no clue.

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