Take The Police Out Of The Police State

police stateThe Sleuth Journal

As, “We the People”, try to figure out how to contend with the presence of Russian and Chinese soldiers on our soil as well as how we are going to deal with the NDAA and Executive Order 13603 when martial law is upon us, we do not need to be dealing with a local out of control police force. Yet, increasingly your local police poses the greatest man-made threat to your freedom and longevity.

Although there are still some quality people filling the ranks of our local law enforcement forces, increasingly, we are contending with officers who view you and me as the enemy. As a result, the Constitution, fair play and common sense take a holiday when you deal with the police.  

The following examples are emblematic of what we in the public are being forced to contend with as we venture out of our homes.

Arrested for Criticizing Cops for Speeding

Once upon a time in this country, there used to be a First Amendment. However, if you live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and you exercise your First Amendment rights, you could spend the night in jail.

A Pittsburgh social studies teacher, Dennis Henderson, from Manchester Academic Charter School, was arrested for criticizing police officers who violated the posted speed limit.

The American Civil Liberties subsequently filed a lawsuit on behalf of the teacher, who actually spent twelve hours behind bars, for criticizing police for committing a crime.

Dennis Henderson

Journalist Rossano Stewart (striped shirt) and schoolteacher Dennis Henderson (yellow shirt) in handcuffs after a police officer arrested them

Henderson and New Pittsburgh Courier photographer Rossano Stewart were talking on the side of the road when officer, Jonathan Gromek, recklessly sped past the two in his squad car and was so close to the men that Henderson was forced to jump back and yelled, “Wow!” Officer Gromek promptly made a U-turn and  told Henderson “You got a problem with the way I’m driving?’

Henderson responded by telling Officer Gromek that he wanted to file a complaint and he wanted his badge number. Gromek responded by stating, “I tell you what, both of you, you got ID? And now, you are both under arrest”.

Both Henderson and Stewart were handcuffed, more police rushed to the aid of the beleaguered speeding cops. Subsequently, Stewart was released, but Henderson was booked at Allegheny County Jail where he was forced to spend the night on charges of obstruction of highways, disorderly conduct by means of unreasonable noise (saying “wow”), and resisting arrest.

The ACLU is suing on Henderson’s behalf and accuses Gromek of violating Henderson’s First Amendment to express himself as well as suing based on Henderson’s Fourth Amendment Right not to be falsely arrested and imprisoned, and finally his Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection under the law.

Police Taser 14 Year Old in Handcuffs for His Own Good

In yet another Pennsylvania police brutality case, a mother is threatening to sue after officers tasered her 14-year-old son in the face while he was handcuffed.

police brutality

14 year old tasered in the face while running away from police in handcuffs.

The mom, Marissa Sargeant, showed WCAU TV a set of stunning photos of what the boy’s face looked like after he was arrested for shoplifting at Walmart. The mother condemns the shoplifting, but legitimately feels that the police went way too far.

In a display of stunning wisdom, befitting the intelligence of a man with a law degree, Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler, said Tullytown officers fired a Taser and hit the boy in the face as he was escaping from their police cruiser and began to flee. The district attorney went on to say that the 14-year-old was not able to “stop his face from hitting the pavement because he was handcuffed”, thus, causing the bruising seen in the accompanying photos. Heckler went on to say that the officers were forced to use the Taser on the child because they were “fearing for his safety,” in a “this will hurt me more than it hurts you” scenario.

These cops must have had one donut too many if they could not run down a 14 year old boy in handcuffs. However, the mother, who, unlike the District Attorney, has an IQ higher than room temperature, and she is not buying the Heckler narrative. The mother questioned how if her son was running away, that he could be tasered in the face. The moms believes that the police officers beat her son and then frightened him into not telling.

The District Attorney thinks the mom is overreacting. However, the mom said she has an attorney and plans to file a law suit against the Tullytown Police Department.

It Is Illegal for a Parent to Pick Up Their Chilren At School

“I’m not raising my voice, I’m not being confrontational, I want my kids,” said Jim Howe as evidenced in the video below.

The video was taken by Amanda Long, Howe’s fiance. The officer is Deputy Aytes who refused to allow Mr. Howe to pick up his children. Aytes told Howe to get back into his car and wait for his children.

It seems that the school, under the very competent eye of the local Sheriff, made a traffic plan to pick up children after school and Howe was having none of it because he actually had something better to do with his time than wait more than an hour to pick up his children. An hour later, and with cars backed up over a mile and illegally spilling over onto a highway, parents were still waiting for their children as you can see in the video tape.

Aytes told Howe to get back into his car. Howe told Aytes, “We don’t need a reason to get our children, they are our children”. Obviously, Howe did not get the memo. Apparently officer Aytes is a devoted follower of Melissa Harris Perry and MSNBC as this host, on behalf of the network, has repeatedly proclaimed that children do not belong to their parents, they are the property of the state. MSNBC and Perry would have been proud of this modern day version of Barney Fife as he protected the Howe’s children from their father.

Melissa Harris Perry would have been proud of Aytes.

Dealing with the Police Can Cost You Your Life

In the past week, we have seen cops shoot at a van with children inside. There are multiple cases of the police who have killed innocent citizens in egregious abuses of power from these federalized police.

Who will ever forget the case the Lake County, FL., police coming to the door at 1:30AM, beating on a man’s door, and then shooting him as he opened the door with a gun in his hand as he was prepared to face unidentified assailants at his door? Neighbors say the police never identified themselves prior to the man opening the door. It turns out that the police were at the wrong apartment.

Cases such as these are commonplace as it seems that a day does not go by without the police murdering an innocent person somewhere in the country.


Despite the fact that the public is left to contend with an increasing number of rogue out of control cops, there are immediate actions we need to take as a public to bring these situations under control.

First, we in the alternative media need to devote more attention to these heinous acts of law enforcement and not let go of a story until justice is done. Second, the public needs to video record negative police encounters and make these videos go viral. Bring these videos to the attention of your mayors, city councils and county commissioners. Publish the names of these rogue cops who hold the public in such disdain. Hold your elected officials accountable for the actions of the cops in your community. Remember, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop, than by a terrorist.

The American people have enough to worry about from the feds. The public needs to take the police out of the police state.

Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website (www.thecommonsenseshow.com) in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.



4 thoughts on “Take The Police Out Of The Police State

  1. People are so removed from reality – many think the way Melissa Communist Perry does. They believe in absurd principles that apply to everyone and everything. Of course there is the caveat where these things are largely applied to others and where they (she) thinks (re:knows) are right – seldom abiding by the same set of life mandates.

    The law of diminishing liberties is alive and well – flourishing even.*

    * this law does not apply to anyone outside of the proletariat as with most laws.

  2. Because someone feels that something shouldn’t be done by the state is not to say that it shouldn’t be done privately.In fact if we’d kick government’s parasitic asses down the road and sell their stolen assets plus send our Zionist bureaucratic advisors back to the city of London from whence they came we could possibly have peace officers rather than law enforcement officials.And we could possibly have peace on earth rather than imperialistic conquest in the name of terror.Were you born with a soul?A brain?War is stupid and you fight it out of fear while the folks who ought to be killed rake in the territory,resourses and debt slaves.Think about it.Mr.Rothschild,can I please be your gardener,Master,so I don’t hasta’fightcho wah no mo?Where’s it start?We could fight the war to end all wars with information and an interview.

    1. What the f#@k are you trying to push here, Carl? F#@k private government. It is the problem. It is the difference between English Common Law (public law for private purposes) and Roman Civil Law (private CORPORATE policy being enforced as public law).
      The only peace officers that are to exist are sheriffs and constables, directly elected by, and accountable to, we the people.

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