Teachers Become Targets in Active Shooter Drills

A woman display an air soft pistol (WILLIAM WEST/AFP/Getty Images)CBS St. Louis- by Brett Blume

FARMINGTON, Mo. (KMOX) – Some teachers in Farmington balked this week after being told that a school safety drill would require them to wear goggles and be shot at with air soft pellet guns.

A school safety drill in St. Francois County hits a snag after some teachers object to getting shot at with air soft pellet guns.

Four teachers at Farmington High school contacted the Prosecuting Attorney’s office on Tuesday after they were handed goggles during the “active shooter” exercise.  

Associate Superintendent Sarah Long says school personnel were not forced to take part in that aspect of the drill.

“…which means when they actually go in and show you what an actual shooter situation is you can say: I don’t want to be one of the victims, I think that’s too scary,” says Long. “Teachers could sign up to work in department meetings and in other professional developmental opportunities. We had about 45 members of the staff to do those.”

Missouri State Teachers Association spokesman Todd Fuller tells KMOX News this issue has come up before in other districts.

“I think what we’re going to see is a need to readdress and reevaluate the statute,” says Fuller.

St. Francois County prosecutor Jerrod Mahurin acknowledges that several teachers did contact his office for “legal advice” on the matter, but have not filed a formal complaint.


3 thoughts on “Teachers Become Targets in Active Shooter Drills

  1. So I guess military training in our schools is now part of common core. Hey principal, why don’t you do your job and tell the cops that they will not be conducting military training in the school that you are supposed to be running?
    Thank God we homeschool

    1. Agree, only loser suck in stupid parents, unfit to breed send their kids to gov hell holes. Savvy parents home school or send kids to Christian schools that teach real academics and values.

  2. “Associate Superintendent Sarah Long says school personnel were not forced to take part in that aspect of the drill.”
    Well that was mighty white of them not to force the teachers to be shot in front of children.

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