Texas and California Militia Unite to Defend the Border

Conservative Tribune

The lack of action on border security from the Obama administration has prompted a wide variety of responses. State officials close to the situation in Texas and Arizona have called for federal assistance but have received little response, leaving them to do what they can with their own resources.

Civilian protestors have coordinated to challenge the transportation of illegal immigrants throughout the country by Department of Homeland Security agents. Other civilians, organized into militia groups, have moved troops to Arizona and Texas to assist in closing a border that the federal government seems content to leave open despite the growing violence.  

Now California militia members have united with their comrades in Texas to support state efforts, challenge Obama’s apathy, and assist in securing the nation’s southern border.

From Fox News:

Free Republic founder Jim Robinson posted this on the popular conservative internet forum on Friday evening.

We have independent units from the Bolinas Border Patrol and the Central Valley Citizens militia joining forces with independent citizens militia units of Texas to defend our southern border in Texas, to protest Obama’s lawless open borders policies and to rally support for Governor Perry to officially call out Guard units and Texas militia units at his disposal to defend the border!! Lawsuits will not cut it. The invasion is happening now. Action must be taken NOW!!

Lawsuits have indeed been threatened, and more will no doubt come as this president and his administration continue to ignore their duty, trample on therights of Americans, and flout both the law and the Constitution.

Under the guise of humanitarianism, Obama is cynically using the hopes of tens of thousands of immigrants for his own personal gain, despite the dire consequences for them and for his own citizens.

Closing the border with civilian militia may not be the optimal manner in which to address the growing border crisis. But it certainly tops the alternative which, from the Washington Obamacrats, appears to be nothing.


2 thoughts on “Texas and California Militia Unite to Defend the Border

  1. This is the ONLY hope we have of seeing the border closed, and I sincerely thank the guys going down there.

    I’m on the northern border, with barely enough gas to get to the grocery store (and a leaking gas tank, dripping away like the sand in an hour-glass), or I’d probably be going there myself. I’m getting real tired of having BS shoveled into my face while the lying politicians destroy my country to better serve the Zionist world-takeover.

    I hope the revolution starts TODAY. It’s inevitable, it’s long overdue, and things will only get harder the longer it’s delayed.

  2. I appreciate everything that the militia and our people are doing at the border more than anything, but what they should also be doing is sending another militia force to arrest Barry and the rest of the treasonous bastards in D.C. Otherwise, these mass waves of illegals flowing across the border and the lack of funding and help will never end.

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