The importance of Holocaust education

World Jewish Congress

Oct 17, 2019

Half of American millennials are unable to name a single concentration camp and just 41% believe that 6 million Jews were actually killed during the Holocaust. We need your signature to make sure Holocaust education is mandatory in EVERY school in the United States. If Democrats AND Republicans can get behind it, then you can too!

6 thoughts on “The importance of Holocaust education

  1. Half of American millennials are unable to name a single concentration camp and just 41% believe that 6 million Jews were actually killed during the Holocaust. We need your signature to make sure Holocaust education is mandatory in EVERY school in the United States. If Democrats AND Republicans can get behind it, then you can too!

    SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!!

  2. It truly is important they learn the truth about it and all the facts. Couldn’t agree more.

    Then they would see the ridiculousness of the claims and the impossibilities of the tale in question. The weakest house of cards has been held up only by the constant propaganda saturation in media.

    Other than that, they’ve got no official records, no video evidence and no photographic evidence that is genuine. Even the photos they’ve produced have been falsified and if it were so horrific on such a grand scale, wouldn’t it be easy enough to produce such photos without having to manufacture them?

  3. On another note, fag on the left looks poised and ready for subservient kosher action and guy on the right looks like a broken choir boy ready to submit to any commands given to him by his massa.

  4. “Off your knees, Germany!” by Ernst Zundel should be mandatory for all secondary students in these United States.

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