Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call this reroute number: (425) 535-9135, then enter 220029#)
VoIP Dialer – New Link:
You can listen on our player. Try our player here if it does not work.
Direct link for major players:
Archive: TWFTT 8-26-21
64, one and a quarter inches of rain since late last night YAY!!!
75 degrees, mostly cloudy.
Record high is 108 in 1973.
Still can’t get broadcast. Is anyone else having a problem? If not, it’s on my end.
I’m no help to you as I almost always use the phone anymore.
Thanks, Hal. I can’t do phone, but when I click on the other 3 options they either won’t load or I get “Connection is not secure.” Sure would like to find out what other steps I can take. Will keep trying.
You can use the VoIP Dialer on your computer and listen in via the phone line here:
Just put in the number for the call in line 712-770-5597 and the conference room number 220029.
You will still be listening through your computer.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Thanks, Henry. I’ll give it a go tomorrow.
I can get it if I click on try ‘our player here’
” try our player” works for me most times when others will not