The Word From the Trenches – August 27, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 8-27-20

5 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – August 27, 2020

  1. JD, concerning our kids… good that you shined some light on the CDC tyranny announcing that while at school, “an emergency might require a sudden sleep-over.” A heart-stopper for those who still do not home-school, some by choice, some by necessity. Well, my heart certainly stopped when I heard those words: “require a sudden sleep-over.” And then you called it what it is: KIDNAPPING!!! This just might enrage many others enough to remove their children from the prison, and to join the fight. The CDC can stick it. I’m so sick of their fake emergencies, their fake EVERYTHING. Yet they keep pushin’ it all, big time, so now the people are “pushin’ back,” in every conceivable way. Thank you, JD.


  2. In case you didn’t see it, I watched him speak for over two hours. Trump, with dozens of American flags flyin’ behind him, curiously without any gold fringe. What could that mean? Is that particular piece of land not beholdin’ to admiralty law? Oh, he said some mighty high things about liberty and all its attending rights and opportunities, and he mixed it with vaccine promises, several nods to Israel, a boast on how he is protecting our 2nd Article, and all other kinds of contortions and manipulations. It was like a glass of fresh squeezed organic orange juice, with just a teaspoon of poison added in, a lethal teaspoon. How could the every-day person break it all down? Such promise, such vision. No one there to speak about the amnesty lie, or the bump-stocks ban, or the support for stop-and-frisk, or the infringement on due process, or… And get this… While he’s talking about the horror of “the Chinese virus,” and all the people who have died from “the pandemic,” the audience (except for a very, very few) is sitting there maskless, elbow-to-elbow. What? The whole globe is coerced into mask-wearing and the 6′ social-distancing samba, but at the nation’s capitol, no such rules exist? There will be some heat taken for this in the morning. It was like watching insanity having a good time. And again, The Bill of Rights ignored, hidden, hidden behind the most extravagant fireworks finale that lit up the skies for over 10 minutes, with some even spelling out the words: “Trump 2020.” Oh, man, too much to say, but better stop here. Damn, I love my country and it’s FUBAR. Damn!!


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