The Word From the Trenches – August 7, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 8-7-20

16 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – August 7, 2020

  1. So last week I mentioned a bit about Costco prices from 2 months ago, well I went 2 days ago and the 50lb bag of long grain white rice I was getting for $7.50 wasn’t available. Just 25lb bags for $8.99. There was only 1 pallet of canned green beans in the large cans(#10 I believe) and no other canned veggies, not even tomato sauce. No bags of beans, though we haven’t had any for a while. Oddly enough ground beef was half the price of what I got at HEB last week.

    I truly believe we are seeing an uptick in price increases again and stocking up now would be a wise idea.

  2. Update Masks-Wal-Mart

    When to Wal-Mart today for a prescription the herbal remedy works about 70% of the time, I use the prescription as a partially back up. Here we go, young man says I need a mask that he offered. I say no I don’t. He says company policy required to wear a mask. I say nooo I’m not require I’m going to. The end. I started to go under the tape, he says have to go around. Like a fool I complied wasn’t fully thinking. Going through the designed entrance all I thought of was a Judas Goat lead down a chute at a slaughter house.
    Got my prescription going to leave the exit door wouldn’t work (open) oops. I hear a voice have to walk around to the other exit door. Now I’m starting to get worked up. To me this door not working is violation of the building codes. After the Coconut Grove fire in Boston years ago (1942 942 dead) all exit doors must open to the outside and have a panic bar. Now going through my mind are all doors control by a control room like in a prison or FEMA Camp??

    All the Best

  3. We order a side of beef, will last us usually three yrs. Placed a order a month ago and we are on a 3 month waiting list.

    1. Misty, we were on a list also, but I told them about whats happen in the world and they called a week later and move us up, our first was a 1/4 of beef, I think we do it again next month, Right now I sizing a mobile solar system for our box truck.

  4. Happy Birthday, Henry!! How do you really say that to, and justly thank a man you consider a living hero, a natural leader, a non-compromising visionary? That is how I see you. You may humbly debate some of my perceptions here, but I see what I see; I hear what I hear; I know what I know. That you were born those decades ago, is a gift to this moment in time, and my life and mind are on the right course because of what I’ve learned from you, and from so many who visit and comment on this platform you gave us (The Trenches) and who help run it ( Hi Laura 🙂 ) Henry, you have restored our Bill of Rights to its rightful place of honor and respect, and as the great justice available for ALL, and currently as a way out of the lies, deceptions, infringements, gross and communistic tyranny. With deep respect I say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!! If what goes around does indeed come around, you have a lot of good comin’ your way for your contribution has been all about the “good” of life, and about we American Nationals deserving that. Much Appreciation!!


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