The Word From the Trenches – March 19, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 3-19-20

19 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – March 19, 2020

    1. SUBOXONE !!! I’m telling you now trenchers.. get your hands on some suboxone. when the oxycontin and lortabs run out.. well.. you can name your price. they ARE the cure to opioid addiction/withdrawals. should be 10 12$ each, maybe up to 15 but after the well dries up, you can get whatever you ask for. that’s a promise! .. closed beaches in alabama, effective at 5pm today. closed all schools and daycares. EXCEPT for ”govt” workers. their kids are immune apparently! also, all gatherings where you can’t maintain 6ft of separation. whether that be 25 or 2 people. no groups of 25 or more. meaning f**kin in a phone booth is ILLEGAL!!

          1. As of 2018, it is illegal to grow, sell and use Kratom in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Ireland, Malaysia.

            History of Kratom Regulations in the United States

            Kratom was legal to grow and purchase in all 50 states until 2015 when the Food and Drug Administration coordinated with the DEA and other associated departments to seize shipments of Kratom coming to the U.S. from SE Asia countries. In 2016, the DEA attempted to list Kratom as a controlled substance. This action drew strong and widespread condemnation from people within the Kratom community.

            As of June, 2018, Kratom is illegal to buy, sell, and use in Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Washington, D.C., Vermont, Indiana, Arkansas, and Alabama. Sarasota County in Florida and San Diego, California have also made Kratom illegal, although the states of Florida and California have NOT enacted laws against Kratom.

          2. I’ve had it in my system when taking a DOT physical, I passed.

            Just last month I was asked to take a surprise DOT pee test. I just downed a couple spoon fulls before the test, I passed.

            They can’t violate you.

            You can legally use it in all 50 states while working commercially, maybe not buy it, but can have it in your system.

            I’ve been using it for almost two years. It’s been a god send.

            I buy mine in illinois. I swear by it.

            Again, the feds let me use it legally, while I’m driving.

            $90.00a kilo, I use around 1.5 kilos a month.

            I use the White mang da version.

            When the pain starts, I take two spoon fulls, pain gone within minutes, last a couple hours.

            Improves my quality of life by 10 fold.

    1. my dream….here comes the home birth and home schooling and no vaccines…..we will build a new free healthy society

  1. Cottage industries will prevail. The people are the new industrialists. We don’t need their corporations.

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