The Word From the Trenches – September 11, 2019

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Archive: TWFTT 9-11-19

15 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – September 11, 2019

  1. not automatically registered …I was asked on the form if I wanted to register… of course I checked ‘no’ that’s here in Texas

    1. It is, but I do believe you can opt out, but they are not going to tell you anything, you have to tell them. They won’t even tell you that you are automatically registered.

      1. I suspected as much, but if I had noticed the option (quite likely) then I would have opted out immediately. There’s no indication on the license either way. so I guess I’ll have to go to the DMV in Lebanon and ask, just to be 100 percent sure.

  2. Great rant in the beginning Henry. It really articulated I think what is in the back of most people’s minds.

  3. I am playing catch-up for the last few days because I can’t listen live. B.S. But I am eagerly waiting to listen tomorrow.While we’re on 9/11 topic, here’s a knock-knock joke for ya:


    Who’s there?


    9/11 who?

    Aww, I thought you said you’d NEVER FORGET?!

    All joking aside, WE WILL NEVER FORGET THAT IT’S-NOT-REAL AND THE PROXY U.S. GOVERNMENT did 9/1! to US and WE are going to see you HANG for your treason and murder of American nationals, the MURDER of the enemies of an illegitimate zionist state, and the subsequent total nullification of our Rights as an intended byproduct of your crimes.

  4. “Lord, Make me fast and accurate
    Let my aim be true and my hand faster
    Than those who would seek to destroy me
    Grant me victory over my foes
    And those that wish to do harm to me and mine
    Let not my last thought be
    If I Only Had a Gun.
    And Lord if today is truly
    The day that you call me home,
    Let me die
    In a pile of empty brass.”

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