The Word From the Trenches – September 7, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 9-7-20

4 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – September 7, 2020

  1. 59, breezy N. wind, and mostly cloudy.
    Getting down to the 40s tonight, and 30s Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
    Stay frosty, Mary. LOL

  2. Hey Henry, my comment left ystrday wasnt just moderated, it was shitcanned. Dont know why, i have been impassioned in my recent posts as it is 7 days post of the anniversary 7 yrs ago of my daughter Allisons murder at the hands of mayhem masons. I explained this in a following comment to katie, mary, and mark etal. I dont know why i am being censored but its your site. It is nothing tho without the input from others and respect for the bill if rights.

    1. I cannot find your comment in my shitcan. But I do remember putting you in pending and I would gladly explain to you why if your comment yesterday had not completely disappeared. I did not completely disappear it, so how about try it again and I will explain.

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