‘Want a Beeper?’ U.S. Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt ‘Jokes About Israeli Terror Attacks on Lebanon’

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

US Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt “praised Israel’s terrorist attacks on Lebanese civilians” as a show of strength during an event at the Israeli-American Council.

Lipstadt made the vile comment on Thursday while speaking at the Israeli-American Council, which Max Blumenthal noted is “a pro-Netanyahu lobbying front funded by Trump mega-donor Miriam Adelson.”

From CAIR, “CAIR Urges Biden Admin to Fire U.S. Antisemitism Envoy Lipstadt Over ‘Joke’ Praising Israeli Terror Attacks on Lebanese Civilians”:

In response to a statement suggesting that, “After October 7, there was a feeling around the world that Israel was weaker,” Lipstadt disturbingly joked, “Do you want a beeper?” – an appalling celebration of Israel’s recent wave of indiscriminate detonation of beepers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon, which resulted in the tragic murder of several children and the injury of thousands.

In a statement, CAIR Government Affairs Department Director Robert S. McCaw said:

“Special Envoy Lipstadt’s callous remarks are not only disgusting, but also dangerous. At a time when our nation’s government claims it is working to de-escalate tensions between Israel and Lebanon, her flippant celebration of state-sponsored terrorism undermines diplomatic efforts to prevent a broader war in the region.

“Joking about the loss of innocent lives, especially children, is a disgrace and should have no place in U.S. foreign policy discussions. It sends a message to the world that the U.S. government condones or even celebrates the slaughter of Arab and Muslim civilians. This is not just immoral, it’s irresponsible.

“The Biden-Harris administration must immediately fire Ambassador Lipstadt and make clear that the United States does not support or celebrate state violence and terrorism against vulnerable populations. Lipstadt’s words have real consequences—they fan the flames of conflict and diminish whatever remains of America’s moral standing on the global stage.

“The recent escalation between Israel and Lebanon – and the Israeli genocide in Gaza – has already cost too many innocent lives, including many thousands of children, whose futures were stolen by senseless violence. The U.S. government should be advocating for peace, accountability, and a strict adherence to international law, rather than turning a blind eye or, worse, laughing at the suffering of civilians.”

The Biden administration has tried to distance the US from the attacks and “expressed frustration” with the Jewish state for stymying their attempts to secure a ceasefire but here we have Lipstadt in her official capacity endorsing the attacks and laughing about them.

Actor Michael Rapaport, who spoke at the event after Lipstadt, also heartily laughed about the attacks in a video on X.

Earlier this year, Lipstadt applauded Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta for enacting new rules to censor criticism of “Zionists” on Facebook and Instagram and appeared to take credit for the move.

Lipstadt also scolded the Washington Post for publishing a factual story exposing how wealthy Jewish donors were part of a secret group chat which pushed NYC Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests.

Her actions are more befitting of an Israeli ambassador than an American one.

One thought on “‘Want a Beeper?’ U.S. Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt ‘Jokes About Israeli Terror Attacks on Lebanon’

  1. Those first two tweets are some of the creepiest, ugliest things I’ve ever seen. Ice-hearts that do not beat for free humanity but revel in torture, suffering, and death of innocents. It’s like the devil in human form. Well, somewhat human form, for grotesqueness can not be covered over.


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