24 thoughts on “Warning! Oil and Gas Companies Planning on Vaccinated Employees Dying

  1. Interesting, so do you only hire unvaxxed people? Otherwise you will be rehiring all over again in couple of years. We are in trouble and most people are still asleep.

    1. You say that most people are still asleep. After pointing directly at the problem, you declare the enemy as winning in this fight.
      Most people are not still asleep. More people are awake now than yesterday, and I do mean a mass majority, and more people will be awake tomorrow.
      We are not in trouble, they are in trouble, and you will not slip in a pro-propaganda statement designed to demoralize our people.
      Your defeatism is not going to work.
      This comment I put through just to point out how desperate you people are. You will not get another defeatist statement on this site. You try to make a statement like most people are still asleep, I take it you have gone across this country and spoken to each and every American national. No you have not, you are just going off the propaganda being put through the internet which is under the control of the communist Chinese. Bring it f-king on and we’ll see who is asleep and who gets put to sleep.

      1. I have made that same statement over the past year being impatient for people to see what I see but in reality I have talked with some 20 somethings and they are seeing through the bullshit and even some decent size YouTube channels who are in their 30s who specifically called out Trump. People I talk to don’t come out and openly speak about the politics but they are against the agendas. Hopefully they will begin to see it does no good to worship these feel good organizations, people in leadership and their words. We need to begin to hold people and organizations accountable based on the merit of their actions if their actions do not align with their words where it can be seen and validated in the local communities. You don’t have to belong to a union to strike against a company that tries to tell you how to live, what you can do or say. You organize, (make sure you have copies of all their corporate policies and try to stay within those bounds if possible, most policies are vague and are open to interpretation unless they are civil rights policies which are very specific from my experience.), walk out for a week, that will get their attention real quick, use your PTO and sick time if you have to, they won’t fire everyone but they will go after the leaders and you must be willing to sacrifice and when that happens,
        Stick together and voice your opinion to rehire those that were fired, bring lawsuits against the CEOs and the Board of Directors in an individual capacity if you can, after all, they ultimately are the ones that are accountable for the companies actions. These people like Musk, bezos, trump and desantis attempt to memorize with their words, their material things they own and theatrics of their shows but what do they produce for society? They are all like lawyers, they produce nothing of value and steal wealth from us. They are the virus, the parasite, leaching off the productivity of those that can produce, its we the people that have always built nations. Their propaganda is ment to divide and cause us to fight amongst each other but it is the duty of everyone as Americans to stand up for each other. A group of people not happy with the policing, stand with them and call out the bullshit because you will be able to see it if you begin to look for it, you don’t need a sponsored organization, it needs to be grass roots, start taking with your neighbors and looking out for them. I do think these things are happening, i just had to begin to look outside my group of people i normally follow. I don’t know, i think there are a lot of people that feel like this, just my thought on the matter.

        1. Dusty,
          Your aims are admirable but your comment is so deep deep into the unlawful admiralty system as to actually add credence to it.
          The only courts that exist in this country right now are administrative admiralty courts that belong to the enemy. You cannot fix a fraud by joining with it. There is no action in law to deal with these people as the administrative admiralty is private law that belongs to the British Empire. All lawyers are esquires which is a royal appointment just under a knight.
          There is no grabbing a hold of one piece of spaghetti in trying to work it out of a ten foot ball. A ball of spaghetti must be removed and the common law and people’s jurisdiction must be invoked and enforced.
          There is no papering our way out of the mess that we are in. We are at war and that war has been declared upon us. Our superior common law courts have been removed. The Bill of Rights sends us directly to the 2nd Article. We either kill these sons of bitches or they are going to kill us.
          Not a very rosy outlook, huh? But that is just the way it is. Until we have returned our common law courts we must enforce the absolute unalienable ratified by we the people law via our jurisdictional authority with the 2nd Article or we will perish.
          No time for chasing rainbows, this is a dog fight.

        2. “We need to begin to hold people and organizations accountable based on the merit of their actions if their actions do not align with their words where it can be seen”…
          I agree. I’ve decided that, in fact regard to my kids’ school that I’m done laying low. I went to the volunteer meeting, and have signed up for as many “library helpers” shifts I can. I’m done with “bringing it to their attention”. I’ll just rip the suspects pages out, if I have to.
          I’ve put myself on many other volunteer lists. I want to be in that school, make sure the principal knows who I am, as well as the PTA moms, and such!
          We pay for our kids’ schooling, they rely on volunteers, and o can def make a difference here.

          1. Wrong, DaniVa, we the people have had war openly declared on us and our law. You are playing twiddly winks.
            We have let this shit go too long, thinking we are making a difference in trying to adjust the fraud that is the United States Corporation. You will kill them or they will kill you and ripping some pages out of a book isn’t going to impress them at all.
            This is a war, get that through your head.

  2. The satanic agenda to dehumanize mankind and create human hybrids, and eventually eliminate humanity altogether is well officially underway as clearly revealed in the United States Beast’s latest move to accomplish that very goal. However, with every such example I only become more encouraged as it becomes increasingly undeniably clearer that the Creator in whom I chose to place my life in 1966 has everything well under control and will very, very soon be returning to reclaim what is rightfully His. Of course, you don’t have to believe that. You can believe anything you want. We all do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Over the years, I’ve had several deceived thinkers who were hostile to my choice to follow Christ tell me, “oh you just believe anything you want to”, to which I would generally reply, “yes, that’s exactly right… and YOU do too”. If you didn’t, you’d be believing something different. So don’t be fooled by such flawed humanistic thinking, my friends. The truth is… we ALL believe what we want to believe, and it’s just that simple!

    That’s the gift of free will given by the Creator and the reason why YOU ultimately are the only one to blame or credit for your lifes course and eternal destiny. Again, you don’t have to believe that. You can believe anything you want, and the proof of that is evidenced in the process of the exercise: a wonderful self justifying circular reasoning. You didn’t think you could outsmart the Creator that easily, did you?

    So, as we watch the playing out of mans collective human destiny, I can only become more encouraged in knowing it’s all going in accordance to the plan. God’s plan? You could say that. But His plan only as it accommodates both the collective and individual free will of all humans. Wow!.. if ever there was a case to be made for quantum physics, there you have it!

    So the final takeaway is this: if you are His – by your own personal choice – you are safe and secure by the provisions of His personal lordship; provisions which that choice has provided. Again, you don’t have to believe that but you know where that one goes.

    1. Horse shit! You do have the right to believe whatever you choose, but if this is your God’s plan, it is a sorry mother f-ker, consisting of pain, misery, and a living hell on this earth.
      The only way we get out of this is to fight our way out and enforce our superior ratified law of December 15, 1791.
      Sit there on your ass and wait for your God to come down and take these mother f-kers on single-handedly.
      I’m not going to explain this one more f-king time.
      Tell you what, pal, if you are such a strong believer would you like to see the hand of God? Well all you have to do is look at the end of your own arm and look at it doing nothing because you are a goddamn coward.
      We are at war, a war that has been declared on our people and our law and we will fight and kill the enemy or they will kill us. I guess if they kill us that was the will of your God too, huh?
      Don’t put more of this shit on this site. Crawl in your f-king hole and wait for your God while the rest of the men in this country with balls and a spine enforce the law. And when we are done and you try to declare the victory for your God, your f-king ass is going to be out of here.
      I hope that makes things clear for you.

      1. Henry, you poor spiritually retarded soul (your choice). Keep on banging your head into the wall. The weapons of your warfare are feeble. But those such as you are self determined to learn only the hard way. Again, your choice, my friend!

        The only ‘sorry mother f-ker god’ as you say is the one who has so successfully pulled the wool over your spiritually blinded eyes. AGAIN!… your choice totally!

        1. William, you pathetic bag of shit, maybe you expect the invisible avenger to come and save your ass, but I’ll tell you this.
          My world does not belong to your God and your personal beliefs are something you should keep to yourself.
          You or your kind ever try to exercise biblical law that violates the unalienable law of December 15, 1791 on me and I will show you how useless your theoretical little black book is and I will see your ass f-king executed for treason and sedition against that absolute law.
          You are a smart mouth mother f-ker with no ass to back it up, and you better just crawl into that f-king hole and keep your personal beliefs to yourself.
          Again, this world does not belong to your God. If you think so, I’ll tell you like I tell the communists, fascists, vulture capitalists with the bullfrog mouths and the piss ant asses, come and force it on me, punk bitch, or have your God do it. Do it right f-king now, you f-king blowhard. No mother f-ker will ever rule me through their interpretations of their theoretical little black book. Violate my rights, mother f-ker, violate the law of my people, and you will be tried, convicted, and executed for treason and sedition. You and your God are so f-king bad? Come and enforce your will on me right now. You are off this site, buddy, and if you think you’re going to institute a theocracy upon the free nationals in this country, bring it f-king on.
          Just like your commie brethren, you keep threatening to take my guns and subjugate me, get to f-king doing it. I’ve been listening to this shit for thirty f-king years, but your balless gutless asses have yet to carry through.
          You try to push any law other than the supreme superior UNALIENABLE law of December 15, 1791 and you will fight me, you mother f-ker.
          Keep your cunt ass off real patriot sites. We have no use for your pie in the sky by and by bullshit.
          You keep your goddamn religious beliefs to yourself and shove your interpretations of that bullshit subject matter right up your ass.
          Be Gone!

          1. HEAR! HEAR! And thank you very much Henry for saying in no uncertain terms exactly how I feel on this subject!

        2. EXTREMIST you are on yoyr own. I saw UFOS before and still dont understand why ,, but I dont force my fckg beliefs on others. Thanks Henry

    2. Re: “You didn’t think you could outsmart the Creator that easily, did you?” How frikkin’ pompous. And it seems you are diminishing your creator here, implying that your creator would make an inferior product, one destined to REMAIN inferior.

      William Raymond, your speech is condescending and patronizing. I’m not your pet. You, on the other hand (and I’ve every right to my opinions) are a wet-dream for those who are tyrannizing us. Just sit back in a faith that waits for ANOTHER to solve your problems and release you from your troubles. Even many who DO believe scripture do not interpret it that way.

      But the kind of thinking you put forth is no help to the cause for freedom. You’re certainly familiar with: “Sell your cloak and buy a sword,” aren’t you? And didn’t your teacher say, “These things you see me do you shall do greater?” So start doing!!!! You are the one you’ve been waiting for, but as you are, you are no help to those who are risking all to fight for the peace and dignity of FREEDOM!! Have you no idea what the nameless brave gave for you in 1775?

      I usually keep my mouth shut on such matters of faith, but you come in here dishin’ a philosophy that I see as dangerous, insinuating to people that someone or something other than they themselves will do the work of ending all this cruel tyranny. Thanks a lot, buddy. You just gave a FREE-PASS to all the tyrants.


      1. My dear Barabas, there will always be those such as you who have freely chosen to be the physical combat soldiers (spiritual garbage collectors, if you will). I don’t fault that. We must all play our part(s) in life. Those are the choices we all make. I don’t criticize you for the part you have chosen to play play, yet somehow you find it a noble and higher calling to criticize me?? As my Lord Yeshua (Jesus) said, ‘let the dead bury the dead’. And I’m certain you have no idea what that means.

        1. I was never a Dead-head, but that song “Ripple” sure is a favorite of mine.

          So, I am called ‘Barabas’ and in that I am reduced to a petty thief. I’ve been called worse. And please stop putting down ‘garbage-collectors.’ Without them we’d all be up to our ears in deep you-know-what. They do such important work and I am glad to stand among them. I can’t tell you the garbage we are about to clean up.

          You say you ‘don’t criticize’ me but you sure do put it out there that if one doesn’t believe like you one is not ‘safe and secure.’ If you write in a public comment section, the public is free to respond, and this public right here inside myself is ‘safe and secure’ in knowing many of us will do all we can to fight the demons who are actually destroying the creation!!

          And you come in here CRITICIZING one of the greatest teachers on planet earth!! You’ve no idea what he’s risked and sacrificed so we might again live free. You’ve no idea of the time and effort both he and his wife have invested so we don’t have to be slaves. If you attack him, you attack FREEDOM ITSELF!! You stab with insults and then call him ‘FRIEND.’ This is NARCISSISM GONE WILD!!! Please get some help.

          What a fun weekend debate. I guess you have time for such engagement since you’re not involved in preparing to fight tyranny. One other thing you are correct on… Yes, along with being a garbage-collector, I ‘have freely chosen to be (your words) a ‘physical combat soldier.’ DAMN STRAIGHT!!!


          1. Isn’t it just so damn easy to see where the saying “Holier than thou” comes from with these pathetic fools. They are also the absolute epitome of that old Polish proverb “The jew cries out as he strikes you” as one can see clearly all the way through this hypocrite’s comments. “Belief” is what you have when you don’t have knowledge &/or wisdom gained from DOING. You will end up in the real earth like everyone else dude, NOT in the sky of your dreams!

        2. STFU and get on the train, old man. You can finish your spiel over there by the ditch. Take the express train to meet your god, you pathetic spineless coward. I guess God’s been paying your bills all these years and you didn’t have to get your hands dirty working to make that happen; you only had to have faith and put your trust in the Lord? Good luck with that.

    3. U are puss just look in the mirror if you can!! Tell us what you see .. a puss!!?!! You got alot to learn. CHANGE IS GOOD!!!!

  3. Wow
    Looks like it was quite busy here, this first day of the kike holiday.
    Wishing I wouldn’t have missed it.
    “Do you think Jesus wandered about with an arrogant attitude, and annoying folk?” is what I’d have asked the special spiritual fellow.
    When your nose is tipped up, ya may want to make sure them nose hairs ain’t dangling like Rapunzel.

  4. The Grinch’s agenda to dehumanize mankind, and eventually eliminate holidays altogether is well officially underway as clearly revealed in his latest move to accomplish that very goal. However, with every such example I only become more encouraged as it becomes increasingly undeniably clearer that Santa Claus in whom I chose to place my life in 1966 has everything well under control and will very, very soon be returning to spread joy and snow. Of course, you don’t have to believe that. You can believe anything you want. We all do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Over the years, I’ve had several doubters who were hostile to my choice to follow Santa Claus that tell me, “oh you just believe anything you want to”, to which I would generally reply, “yes, that’s exactly right… and YOU do too”. If you didn’t, you’d be believing something different. So don’t be fooled by such flawed non-elf thinking, my friends. The truth is… we ALL believe what we want to believe, and it’s just that simple!

    That’s the gift of free will given by Santa Claus and the reason why YOU ultimately will or will not get presents. Again, you don’t have to believe that. You can believe anything you want, and the proof of that is the missing cookies I left for him. You didn’t think you could outsmart Santa that easily, did you?

    So, as we watch Santa’s Route, I can only become more encouraged in knowing it’s all going in accordance to the plan. Misses Claus’ plan? You could say that. But Her plan only as it accommodates both the good and bad behaviors. Wow!.. if ever there was a case to be made for suffrage, there you have it!

    So the final takeaway is this: if you are His – by your own personal choice – you are safe and secure by the provisions of His personal lordship; provisions which that choice has provided. Again, you don’t have to believe that but expect coal in your socks.

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