Wasserman Schultz presses her ammunition control bill

The Floridian – by Javier Manjarres

The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives continues its push to pass their entire legislative agenda ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

It’s fair to say that Democrats are trying to pass as much legislation they know congressional Republicans will vote against, and President Trump won’t sign. 

The political play is a safe bet considering that Democrats could very well lose their control of the House, and as Trump looks like he will win re-election.

Democrats have already passed gun legislation that is considered anti-gun because of the restrictions the bills call for, and are now poised to pass an ammunitions bill introduced by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)

The “Jamie’s Law,” which calls for universal background check for individuals looking to purchase ammunition, was named in honor of Jamie Guttenberg who was on of 17 students and teachers killed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

“Every day we wait to act and enact reasonable gun safety measures, we risk losing more lives,” said Wasserman Schultz. “It is inexcusable to sit and do nothing while people have their lives torn apart by gun violence. Our communities deserve better.” (CBS4)

Wasserman Schultz contends that “requiring background checks on ammunition sales” would save lives, and would close the loophole of individuals who are already prohibited from buying a firearm, to be able to purchase ammunition.


8 thoughts on “Wasserman Schultz presses her ammunition control bill

    “Every day we wait to act and enact reasonable gun safety measures, we risk losing more lives,” said Wasserman Schultz. “It is inexcusable to sit and do nothing while people have their lives torn apart by gun violence. Our communities deserve better.” “

    1. she’s salivating over killing defenseless american goyim like the commissars did in Soviet Russia.

      1. Well then she’s a f-king fool because she is the one that is guilty of treason and will be tried and hung by her dual citizenship neck until dead.

  2. Leave my country bitch!

    And go live somewhere that doesn’t afford you this RIGHT

    Have no security
    Live like a native

    If you don’t like this country and our rights , than leave

    Than if you live ,come see me about my RIGHTS
    Guaranteed your view will change

  3. “The “Jamie’s Law,” which calls for universal background check for individuals looking to purchase ammunition, was named in honor of Jamie Guttenberg who was on of 17 students and teachers killed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.”

    No sense perpetrating fake shootings if you don’t get any mileage out of them.

    Too late shuttin’ the corral gate, though, they’ll never be able to effectively deal with all the guns & ammo already out there.


  4. why is this slag still alive??? i hear Australians say Slag.. i think it’s sposta be really insulting, like worse than skank and outta ‘spec for Misty Katie ‘n Miss Laura i won’t use the C word. maybe slag is worse than that. i mean it to be! yeah, she really should use that 2nd passport and GTFO HERE!!

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