2 thoughts on “Withdrawing cash from Australian Banks. The answers are funny, the question is not

  1. Brilliant! When asked stupid questions EVERYONE should give stupid answers LOL! Remember, bank “policy” is not the law or anything else so have fun with it.

    I used to get asked to sign the back of cash cheques that other people had given me, even for tiny amounts, for the sake of “customer safety”. I would always say no as there is no legal requirement for me to do so. When I finally got the manager to come out & explain they would always say it is “bank policy” that they get a signature. To that I would say “oh you need A signature?” and I would then write down “Mister X” and say “Right, there’s A signature, now give me my money!”. They never refused 😀

    Oh, the other thing that’s not mentioned in this vid is that many banks (if not all) in Australia & New Zealand now require you to show ID (drivers license, etc) to “deposit” any amount of money into anyone’s account under Anti-Money-Laundering Laws! LMFAO!

  2. Unsecured debt??? Please for all our sake, stop paying these fckg bastards. They have stolen from us all our lives.

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