3 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 7-20-23

  1. Man, something good is spreading. I can’t believe how many more are discovering it’s the jews and speaking up about it, and many of them are young. I’d like to see that this can be done without making it about the race of those who are speaking up. I think it’s great that all people want to preserve their culture, their roots, but I hope these new awakenings can be done without actual racism, or worse yet, supremacy. I mean one can recognize that certain ethnicities are being targeted for dissolution, and one can recognize mass replacement (Kalergi) without being a separatist or supremacist.

    Those who have been fighting tyranny for many years certainly appreciate and welcome any new help arriving on the scene, but, and it’s a very big BUT, because unless it’s about The Bill of Rights, we’re gonna stay locked into perpetual tug-of-war, and consequent minor battles. (Thank you, Henry!!) With The Bill of Rights, with the people knowing they’re protected, and that there is a sure-fire system of justice in place (Our Common Law Courts) all the other surface separations will fall away, things like skin color or religious preferences. Segregate if you want to, but don’t tell me I have to. My people are The Bill of Rights people.


  2. 13 seconds, @56:29-56:42, Henry says,

    “You wanna see God’s hand, look at the end of your own fkn’ arm because that’s the only thing that’s gonna make anything happen here.”

    That really struck me, and I said to my self, “Could be God is conscience.”


  3. 32 seconds @45:50-46:22. Deon, your grandmother’s wisdom here is not only STUNNING, but profoundly IMPORTANT!! Thank you, and your Grandma.


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