11 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 1-22-24

  1. Thanks, Henry. I want to honor Laura by remembering the day of her passing, so I’m grateful you reminded us. Her contribution to my life was enormous. I can still feel her intelligent and caring hand in the important work at The Trenches. She brought such timeliness and precision. What a team life sent to us to help dig our way out of the tyranny, and I am nothing short of grateful.


    1. Good words galen. You speak what many others feel.

      On a side note, you might want to post this on the site for others to see as it’s a GREAT freedom of speech video! This Youtube video was posted a few days ago by a very popular English musician who’s been on Youtube for many years. In this video livestream, with presently nearly 3.5m views, he’s playing piano in a large, busy public space in the UK & is approached by a group of communist Chinese waving Chinese flags. They demand he stop filming their faces & even call the police over to sort “the problem” out for them. The discussion & public spectacle that ensues is a perfect example of what can happen when you allow these people into your country & let them walk all over you with their very foreign & unwanted elitist communist ideologies. The way Brendan handles himself in this situation though is admirable & very entertaining as are the great comments which show unanimous support both in the live chat & under the video. It’s very much well worth the watch & a very eye-opening exposé of how these communist dogs believe they can now conduct themselves in OUR nations!!!

      1. not even half way through, after really, really loving the music that they performed, I’m at more holy FU*KS per second, than I can count! Definitely a must watch!

        I love the British piano gods. Guy Fletcher with John Illsley, for example. John made a great song, “Ship of Fools”

        1. Yeah I really love that whole boogie woogie, honky tonk & blues piano stuff. I’ve watched Brendan’s videos a lot but this one really made me respect the guy a WHOLE LOT more!

          1. He made a follow-up video asking his viewers to listen carefully to what the one woman is saying at 13:32-13:38. It was pointed out by someone who was paying attention. The question is, did she say, “don’t shoot him. Don’t shoot him.” Maybe it meant “don’t shoot video.” The title of that video is, “URGENT-I need your help”

        2. Watching it for the 2nd time and paying close attention to the clandestine activity among that pack of Commie-dogs, it becomes obvious that they were on assignment to hack away at British freedom. That little evil weasel wannabe alpha-commie-dog with the big, bad mouth made me feel like I needed to slap the face right off him! Mountains of respect for Brendan. Cheers Nate Dog 🙂

          1. You & me both! I think a lot of people were fired up by that filthy little commie rat judging by the comments. You’re welcome 😉

  2. With you in memory of Laura, today. She touched my life and my heart as well, through the gracious emails she sent out. Sending up the Love and Liberty in honour of Laura.

  3. Nate, I watched the vid, and yes, communism poppin’ up everywhere. Felt like I was watching some kind of Communist Antifa. And there were even shades of communism in the UK police (I paraphrase the cop: “It’s a public space but you can’t film me speaking to you.” Ha!!) And why the hell did ‘Security’ move those purple balloons? Was it just a little power move? How sensitive the people who cherish freedom have become to power moves; even the slightest infringement looks like the reach of a tyrant. Let the world become hyper-vigilant regarding power moves, no matter how slight they may seem.

    Loved the musician and his pals, but too bad he used the word “democracy.” It would be good if he understood that that’s a slick variety of communism, ever feigning freedom but feeding modern-day feudalism.

    One last thought… As he wound down his performance and began to play his last tune, I found myself wishing, “Let it be Chopsticks!!” Oh the irony.


    1. In a subsequent video by a different streamer, they tried getting him for racism on the song he played after the confrontation when the cops were being summoned to the scene. Apparently, that song was on a racist meme, so, maybe wrapping it all up with “chopsticks” could have ignited an international incident where “western sensibilities” could have had him cuffed and hauled to jail for “racist piano playing.” How ridiculous woud that be?

      Rather than saying “de ocracy” he could have said he is a sovereign individual under the law of the land.

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