5 US Generals Threaten Obama With Coup Should He Attack Syria

Published on Sep 11, 2013 by Bobby Powell

SOURCE: http://bobpowell.blogspot.com/2013/09…

I have received information originating from a well-known former General at the Pentagon; everybody knows this guy’s name. This information comes to me second hand, but I consider the go-between to be very reliable.

The information that I have received so far is that five of the US Military’s highest-ranking Generals have met with Barack Obama and warned him that if he orders an attack on Syria he will be arrested and charged with Treason for attempting to provide aid and comfort to our enemies, namely the al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front in Syria.

The generals reportedly punctuated that statement with a promise that if he is convicted of Treason, Barack Obama will find himself swinging at the end of a rope at Leavenworth.

It’s ON ladies and gentlemen. I KNEW the military would not put up with this Traitor forever. You can also listen to the audio athttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/1948-kitty

MAKE SURE THAT YOU SHARE THIS POST EVERYWHERE!!! We could be on the cusp of a historical event, and The Truth Is Viral is leading the charge!

PLEASE, Lord God in Heaven, let this be true!

God bless and SEMPER FI!!!
Bob Powell

10 thoughts on “5 US Generals Threaten Obama With Coup Should He Attack Syria

  1. I believe a group of Navy flag officers tried to do the same to Clinton for selling secrets to the Chinese. Most of them ended up dead in “plane crashes” Apparently, French intel was helping them and several were aboard TWA Flight 800 when it was shot out of the sky. I can’t confirm this, I read it somewhere quite a while ago. I’d say threatening a dictator is probably not smart; they should have just had him arrested for all the crimes he’s already committed.

  2. Somehow this smells of disinfo. until I hear or see otherwise. Either that or these guys will be the ones hanging by a rope real soon.

  3. Bull-piles. Any general who might do such a thing became a plane crash victim long ago.

    This obvious lie was released for the sole purpose of inducing Americans to believe that there is some kind of check against tyranny within the upper echelons of the Pentagon, and that is definitely not the case.

  4. Not buying this.
    Justice by “the people” would be impeachment…removal from office, and tried.
    If he attempted to hold power and refused to be removed from office then the military may step in to arrest him.


  5. sad that the people did not get impeachment earler..Now its really goin to hurt when it falls ..its all lined up its goin to happen just waitin when now.The Russians now it also..The closed door meeting is proof to this..

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