Millie Weaver’s ShadowGate And Civil War II

Video Rebel’s Blog

My friend Mark posted a Bitchute version of ShadowGate before all of the YouTube versions can be taken down. The Views counter seems to be stuck since yesterday for those videos. The two Emergency Room doctors talking about coronavirus had 5.5 million views before their video was struck down. And the Frontline Doctors press conference was taken down after 17 million views.

We are in an election year and ShadowGate is highly relevant to the plans of the Elite to start a Civil War. As I understand it, ShadowGate details how the US and all of the other Five EYES Nations (UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) make two copies of all Internet traffic, one for the NSA-GCHQ and one for private contractors. Most of those private contractors are Democrats from the intelligence sphere. They hold all of this data for a limited time during which the relevant information is permanently stored. These private contractors and the NSA then have sufficient information to either blackmail or to conspire against almost everyone who makes phone calls or has any online presence.

The contractors used to work in psychological warfare. They have since adapted their manipulation techniques to the Internet and cell phones. They have started riots like Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown who had tried to kill that police officer Darren Wilson back in 2014. These contractors are promoting the ANTIFA and BLM riots of 2020. They will assist in the 50 day siege of the White House beginning September 17th. The siege will be organized by the same people – Ad Busters- who organized Occupy Wall Street.

The plan is to mail out millions of ballots so on election day thousands of lawyers and the Corporate Media will not let us know who won the election and is the legitimate President of the United States. No Rule of Law. Lots of violence. Beginnings of Civil War II

The economy will crash. We can blame it on the riots which the Media will say would have been peaceful had it not been for the overreaction of Donald Trump. But the economy would have crashed even if that coronavirus had not been engineered in a lab in Wuhan after receiving a $3.7 million grant from Dr Fauci, NIH and President Obama in 2014.

We routinely have Depressions during which millions of poor folk are expected to starve to death without protest so their Betters can continue to charge them interest on money they created out of nothing. We have two problems in our Banking system that cause Depressions, interest bearing currencies and fractional reserve banking.

A Depression is a period in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. Since we are in a Debt Based system, we are not allowed to have money unless we go into debt to a Banker who gave himself the right to charge us interest on money he created out of thin air. Conversely, if you pay off a debt, then that checking account money disappears from the banking system. Debts are also cancelled in bankruptcy court and in foreclosures. That is what happened in 1933 in America when a third of our money supply disappeared. We did not have sufficient money to conduct business so poor people died.

In 1933 eight University of Chicago professors put forth a plan to cure the Depression in 90 days. It was based on Dr Irving Fisher’s 100% Money. His idea was that we issue a non-interest bearing currency like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks. If Lincoln had not been assassinated by the Bankers, we would have no $30 trillion US national debt.

Our other monetary problem that creates Unpayable Debts and hence Depressions is fractional reserve banking which allows Bankers to create $100 in loans for every $10 on deposit. In England that is 330 pounds for every ten pound note or 33 to one.

I hate to break it to you but the US national debt is $30 trillion plus and not just $26.5 trillion. Dr Mark Skidmore who revealed that $21 trillion had gone missing from 2 US federal agencies – HUD and DOD – also has recently told us trillions of dollars in US Treasury bonds have been sold off the books with all that money going onto the very personal and very deep pockets of Wall Street Bankers. They need that money to survive and thrive during the collapse of the world economy whilst all about them billions of Commoners are dying.

Since we are not allowed to have an honest monetary system, I believe we will have Debt Cancellation through Hyperinflation just like they did in the Weimar Republic back in 1923. For the benefit of those who learned history in the California public schools – that did not turn out very well – but it did cancel Unpayable Debts. Suppose you owe the grocer ten dollars. After a Hyperinflation, you take your change from buying a candy bar and pay the mean man the $10. Your debt is cancelled but your nation is in ruins. All so the Bankers do not have to give up the right to charge us interest on money they created out of thin air.

So the Wall Street Bankers knew this was coming because they can easily determine the real amount of Unpayable Debts better anyone else.

The Bankers have an exit strategy. They also know that we are entering a period of Global Cooling just like the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715. Colder temperatures, shorter growing seasons, more floods, more droughts and other problems will drastically reduce the amount of food we can grow.

The Wall Street Bankers have stolen trillions of dollars to provide for themselves after the Great Starvation sweeps across the world and Commoners – as planned – die by the billions from starvation, plagues (bioweapons and vaccines to be released soon enough), suicide and violence within nations (Civil Wars) and between nations.

One part of their plan is to buy all the food (and farm land) for pennies on the dollar with the trillions they stole from us and to sell us back that food for full price. I expect wages and pensions to be cut 60% after discounting for inflation when the US Dollar Dies. This will help cause Nationwide Food Riots and help magnify the rioters demand that they be installed in the White House as the legitimate government. As I said, this will be Civil War 2.0.

That is their plan for you. What is your plan for them?

What is your plan to survive five years? As I said often before, the survivors will do battle and take over what is left of the world we now see around 2024 or 2025.

Video Rebel’s Blog

3 thoughts on “Millie Weaver’s ShadowGate And Civil War II

  1. Doing battle is the answer, and never surrendering. It will start much sooner I believe, due to this COVID BS.

  2. “The Bankers have an exit strategy. They also know that we are entering a period of Global Cooling just like the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715. Colder temperatures, shorter growing seasons, more floods, more droughts and other problems will drastically reduce the amount of food we can grow.”

    What? Not one mention of the geoengineering that is being used on a daily basis all over the world to control the weather? Surely the jew shills at InfoWhores wouldn’t omit that really important little detail would they? We know it’s here now & not “coming by 2025” as predicted by “publicly released” US Air Force documents.

    “Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996)

    “Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025” PDF –

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