A 2017 Pentagon Memo Foretold Today’s Pandemic With Creepy Accuracy

Popular Mechanics – by Kyle Mizokami

A 2017 report created by U.S. Northern Command warned that a future pandemic could have grave consequences for the military and the entire nation. The report warned that a “novel respiratory disease” could spread worldwide, seriously affecting American society and the economy for up to two years. The report also predicts global instability resulting in dramatic social disruptions, terrorism, and state aggression. 

The document, known as Branch Plan 3650, was first revealed by The Nation and uploaded online. It was meant to provide planning guidance to NORTHCOM personnel responding to an “operationally significant infectious disease outbreak.” It outlines different types of outbreaks, from terrorism to the kind of “biological spillover” from Chinese wet markets that authorities believe created COVID-19. Outlining the threat, Branch Plan 3650 inadvertently predicts with uncanny precision the problem Chinese authorities faced in the early days of the epidemic in Wuhan:

Unlike chemical and radiological hazards, biological incidents may take months to develop, and with certain causative bacteria and viruses may continue to spread from person-to-person. Also, there are limited detection/warning capabilities for biologicals which means that an outbreak/attack can go unrecognized and continue to spread before a clinical diagnosis is made. This will be exacerbated if there are limited or no assays by which to identify the organism and if the symptoms mimic naturally occurring endemic outbreaks (e.g., seasonal flu.)

As of April 7th, 2020, the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center counts 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide since the start of the outbreak, with cases in the U.S. now at 400,000. The site reports 82,145 deaths globally, with 12,722 deaths recorded in the U.S. alone.

Read the rest here: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a32076205/2017-pentagon-memo-coronavirus/

5 thoughts on “A 2017 Pentagon Memo Foretold Today’s Pandemic With Creepy Accuracy

    1. I will pass on that, and make my own i.d. card
      ” we are all NOT in this together”, 2nd i.d. card- “i am not your vaccine pin cushion”

  1. Wow, only 12,000 deaths in the US? That’s a small percentage of the 80,000 who died from the flu in 2018. Why didn’t we shut the country down in 2018, when we had a REAL crisis?

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