12 thoughts on “A Good April Fools Joke

  1. Just think Angel, April 1st is just under two weeks away.
    yes, I got some one to play that prank on. just gotta remember to wear gloves ya know 🙂

  2. MY Fellow Americans:

    NOW THAT’S FUNNY!!!! (and I know funny!!!)

    Hmmm,…. thats an interesting idea,.. put a sign on it,.. here is a couple of ideas for a sign:

    1) Another Illegal Alien

    2) Obama

    3) Another Banker – “Suicide,.. of course”

    4) Another Traitor

    5) Osama Bin-Laden,… again.

    6) Jimmy Hoffa

    7) What Awaits All The Traitors Of This Country.

    8) The Cop That Beat Kelly Thomas To Death.

    9) George Washington – Turning Over In His Grave.

    10) Another One Of Obama’s Boyfriends.

    11) One of Michelle Obama’s Girlfriends.

    12) Another One Of Clintons Business Associates

    13) Another Friend Of The Bush’s

    14) Another CIA Whistleblower – Again,.. just another,.. “suicide”

    15) Victor Yanukovich – President Of Ukraine,.. or was (Found by the CIA…)

    16) McJaggers Girlfriend – Wren Scott (Determined to be “suicide”,.. by the CIA)

    17) One of the pilots from missing flight MH370

    18) Pierce Morgan

    19) Yet,… Another Banker!


  3. Hey Digger. That’s a good one. hahaI I should have thought of that when I was young and quick. Now I’m old and slow. Too late. Well maybe not. 🙂

  4. With my luck a cop would be driving by at he same moment I dropped the sack. I’d be shot to death before the cop even investigated what was wrapped in the bag. This would be a good gag though.

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