A.I.M right on the spiritual enslavement

Published on Jul 19, 2013 by MrPeakCrackers

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Clyde Bellecourt, Dennis Banks, and George Mitchell—all Ojibwa Indians and graduates of that Indian finishing school, the Minnesota State Penitentiary. Initially, the organization was established to combat police brutality in Minneapolis, but it quickly evolved into a full-fledged Indigenous rights movement committed to uniting all Native Peoples in an effort to uplift their communities and promote cultural pride and sovereignty. The Movement spread to other urban centers around the country and attracted—in fact created—a whole new group of Native activists.

In 1972, the Trail of Broken Treaties march was scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC, in time for the presidential election. An AIM caravan from San Francisco met up with a caravan from Seattle and others from around the country. The four-mile-long procession arrived early on the morning of Friday, November 3, just before Election Day. The Indians had notified the Nixon Administration of their plans which included the presentation of a 20-point proposal for improving U.S.-Indian relations.

5 thoughts on “A.I.M right on the spiritual enslavement

  1. Wow digger, this post speaks to the spirit and points out the exploitation of everyone in the mindset of today’s matrix. The pile of buffalo skulls says it all. How different would the world be today had the American Indians been able to convert the exploitive Europeans to their way of thinking and living?

    1. Then the Zionists would have done exactly what they’ve always done, Millard.

      Infiltrated and corrupted them.


  2. i haven’t watched the video yet i will later.

    first off, do you guys know anything about the I5 freeway closures both ways south of sacramento using construction site zone equipment?

    i heard this was being done in various locations down south and slowly moving its way north.

  3. Where, oh where is it said that Jesus said that Man was to dominate every living thing? That’s in the Old Testament (not Jesus’ teachings) for sure, but in the New Testament (Jesus’ teachings)? I’m curious. Please post reference if you know. Thanks!

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