Air Force drops ‘So Help Me God’ from oaths

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The rate at which the United States is leaving God is utterly astounding. Wait until Satan shows up and we witness the true apostasy…

(Fox News) – The Air Force Academy has admitted they removed the phrase “so help me God” from three oaths in the 2012 edition of their official cadet handbook, Fox News has learned.

The revelation came after more than two dozen members of Congress sent a letter to Academy Supt. Lt. Gen. Michelle Johnson demanding that she explain why the phrase was removed.  

The lawmakers contend the 2012 edition of the Contrails Cadet Handbook excludes the phrase ‘so help me God’ in the Cadet’s Oath of allegiance, the Oath of Office for Officers and the Oath of Enlistment.

“The Constitution does not require that this phrase be scrubbed from the oath,” read the letter drafted by Rep. Jim Bridenstein (R-Okla.) and signed by 28 lawmakers. “The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the establishment of religion’ however, the inclusion of the phrase ‘so help me God’ in an oath of service does not rise to this level.”

Bridenstein said “editing the oath for all Academy students is extreme and unnecessary, and does a disservice to the countless individuals who wish to include the phrase as a solemn reminder that they are pledging their fidelity to God and country.”

Air Force Academy spokesman Maj. Brus Vidal told me the omission was a simple mistake.

“It was an editorial oversight,” he said. “We learned within the last few weeks there was a problem.”
Vidal said there was no reasoning behind the omission and there was no forethought.

“Whoever was doing the editing didn’t catch it,” he said.

He said next year’s edition of the Contrails Cadet Handbook will be revised and will include the phrase “so help me God.”

Last month, the Air Force Academy was embroiled in another controversy involving “so help me God” after they decided to make it an optional part of the Honor Oath. The revision was made following a complained from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

The lawmakers directed Johnson to provide information on why changes were made to the Honor Oath and why a poster bearing the words “so help me God” was removed from the Academy.

MRFF President Mikey Weinstein had filed a complaint about the poster. Approximately 68 minutes after he complained, Johnson ordered the art work removed. That decision did not set well with lawmakers.

“We ask that you restore the poster bearing the oath in full to its original location as an honorable reflection of the oath of service,” the lawmakers wrote.

After the Honor Oath was revised, Johnson released a statement affirming the right of Airmen to “freely practice and exercise their religious preference – or not.”

“Here at the Academy, we work to build a culture of dignity and respect,” she stated.

Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, said he’s received calls from concerned parents of cadets – lamenting the change in the oaths.

“This phrase is a deeply-rooted American tradition – begun by George Washington as the first president of the United States and now stated by many who take an oath of service to our country,” Crews said. “The removal of this phrase is a disservice to the countless men and women who wish to include this phrase as a solemn reminder that they are pledging their fidelity to God and their country.”

And while Crews said he respects the right of cadets not to say the word ‘so help me God’, he pointed out the law requires that the words remain part of the oath.

If that’s the case – why were they removed and who gave the order?

Let’s hope these lawmakers can root out the anti-religious forces that have infiltrated the Air Force Academy. It’s high time someone put a stop to the religious cleansing of the Armed Forces. – Fox News: Air Force drops ‘So Help Me God’ from oaths

4 thoughts on “Air Force drops ‘So Help Me God’ from oaths

  1. Why bother with an oath at all. Many to most don’t even know what they are oathing. Ask any of them to recited the Preamble to the Constitution or give verbally the ten Bill of Rights. It is not taught anymore and most would never take time out from their mundane lives of Dancing With the Stars or video games to study it. So help me God has no influence to anything anymore not even the marriage ceremony. The first sign of trouble they split. Words are supposed to have meaning when they lose the purpose of the meaning which is to seal it in this case, then it becomes meaningless and that is where we are now SO HELP ME GOD.

  2. @ Susan Barrett aka GrinNBarrett, RE: “Why bother with an oath at all.”

    Because it is a LAWFUL requirement and a reinforcement of the contract they agree to when they take a position or office that REQUIRES an Oath. It puts emphasis what is the FIRST duty required of all Oathtakers that they are to do in order of importance, above and before before carrying duties of the office of position they are occupying.

    They (oathtakers) ALL are lawfully required to SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION before anything; orders of a US president, orders of an officer of higher rank, orders of an official above the position being occupied.

    It is not just a political offense when an oath is not kept, it is also both a criminal and civil crime for politicians, representatives, federal and state government legislative / judicial / executive branches, ALL law enforcement, all branches of the military, and ALL federal workers. It is part of, and reinforcement of, the contract they agree to when they take an office or position within the federal or state governments.

    Only one person within the federal government in a required oath taking position, a US president, is lawfully required to take a different oath. That oath holds the person who occupies that position to a HIGHER STANDARD:
    ALL US presidents are lawfully required to PRESERVE, PROTECT, AND DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION.
    It is a political offense, plus both a criminal and civil offense, when the oath is not kept. It is part of the contract agreed to when a president takes office.

    Just because we have not held them accountable does not make it any less of a lawful requirement. Any law that is not enforced is basically useless. Unless WE require enforcement it is unlikely that those in the positions requiring keeping the oaths will “turn themselves in” for breaking the contract, face the legal penalties, and be lawfully removed from the position as the law requires.

    That does include all judges, state and federal. They ONLY get to remain in office as long as they are using “Good Behaviour”. That means that as long as they are doing their duty assigned to them by the US Constitution and the Constitution of the state they are in, and KEEPING the lawfully required oath(s) they are using “Good Behaviour” and can stay in that position.

  3. And so we continue to turn our back on God and he will continue to turn his back on us. Nice going, you military fools! Worship Satan, much? Oh that’s right, you do. He goes by the name of Barry Soetoro Obamanation. May all you treasonous, military fools rot in Hell!

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