Alert: Congress May Vote Today To Destroy States’ Rights To Protect Our Food Supply

The Daily Sheeple

All Americans – conservatives and liberals – want their families to have access to safe food.

Polls by ABC news, Associated Press and other major organizations show that Americans overwhelmingly want genetically modified foods (“GMOs”) labeled … and don’t believe that GMOs are safe.  

A poll by Pew Research Center finds that two-thirds of Americans think that scientists don’t fully understand GMOs, and therefore cannot guarantee people are safe if they eat genetically modified food

Indeed, most independent scientists – ones not making money from the GMO food manufacturers – say that GMO foods are veryconcerning.

For example a recent study commissioned by Norwegian officials and conducted by a scientific authority on the safety of biotechnologies concludes GMO crops lack scientific data to prove their safety. And see this.

And a poll shows that 68% of American and Canadian doctors think that GMOs should be labeled.

No wonder Vermont, Connecticut and Maine have voted to require GMO food labels in their states.

So how does our bought-and-paid-for Congress react? By banning GMOs until further studies are conducted? By demanding labeling of GMOs so consumers can decide?

Of course not!

Congress may vote today on a bill today forbidding states from requiring GMO food labeling, or from banning GMOs within their states.

EWG sent out an alert today by email stating:

Monsanto and its anti-labeling allies are desperately trying to attach the most dangerous components of the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act to a must-pass end-of-year spending bill that could pass TODAY.

If the DARK Act makes it into this bill, the consequences could be disastrous. We’ll have NO WAY of knowing if the newly approved GMO salmon – the Frankenfish that’s designed to grow TWICE AS FAST as wild salmon – is what we’re feeding our families.

This is our LAST CHANCE to protect our right to know what’s in our food. If we don’t stand up to Big Food and put a stop the DARK Act now, the fight for GMO labeling is OVER.

Just like with the TPP, Congress couldn’t care less about what the American people want … or what’s good for the country.

Conservatives support states rights. Liberals support federal action toprotect our health. And all Americans support our right to make informed purchasing decisions.

But Congress only answer to its owners.

Remember, the big GMO food produces like Monsanto have already gotten their Congressional lackeys to pass legislation which strips American courts of their power.

Postscript: This is similar to what the Feds did in the run up to the 2008 financial crisis. As former head S&L prosecutor Bill Black – now a professor of law and economics – notes:

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the resident examiners and regional staff of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency [both] competed to weaken federal regulation and aggressively used the preemption doctrine to try to prevent state investigations of and actions against fraudulent mortgage lenders.

Liberals and conservatives tend to blame our country’s problems on different factors … but they are connected. The real problem is the malignant, symbiotic relationship between big corporations and big government.


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2 thoughts on “Alert: Congress May Vote Today To Destroy States’ Rights To Protect Our Food Supply

  1. “Remember, the big GMO food produces like Monsanto have already gotten their Congressional lackeys to pass legislation which strips American courts of their power.”


    The only ‘power’ the courts are designed to have is the ability to extract mammon.

    The last thing those greedy psychopaths would ever do is to negate that ‘power’ in ANY way, so that statement is bullsh#t.

  2. So what it will come down to is that those who claim to want healthful foods will stop buying at known GMO hangouts like Walmart and many super market chains, and start buying a stores that are known for selling organic-labeled foods or non-GMO labeled foods, putting some supermarket chains out of business. Since these chains are owned by corporations, we may see some corporations suing corporations like Monsatan and calling for the end of TPP, buying congress in the process.

    Folks, it’s all about the money, if not about willful genocide. And God will destroy those that destroy the Earth (Rev. 11:18)

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